School Board District Policies Manual
Leopold R-3 School

0000 Organization, Philosophy and Goals
1000 General Administration
2000 Students
3000 Financial Operation
4000 Personnel Services
5000 Support Services
6000 Instructional Services
7000 Facilities Development


Legal Status

District Name and Identification Codes

The School District is organized under the authority of the State Legislature and exercises powers delegated directly and indirectly by the Missouri State Legislature.

The official, corporate name of the School District shall be
Leopold R-3 School District.

Leopold R-3 School
100 Main Street
Leopold, MO  63760

(573) 238-2211

Identification Codes

County/District Code

Federal Identification Number


School District Philosophy

In carrying out its responsibilities, the Board of Education is guided by the desire to use the resources of its community, its staff and its students to provide the highest quality education permitted by its financial resources.  In reaching decisions the Board will attempt in every case to act in the best interests of its students.

School Board Organization
School Board Purpose and Roles

The School Board of Education performs three basic functions in the management of the School District:


The School Board shall exercise full legislative rule and management authority for the District by adopting policy and directing all procedures necessary for the governance of District educational and administrative responsibilities.


The School Board shall delegate to the Superintendent the responsibility of implementing all Board policy.


The School Board shall determine the effectiveness of policy implementation through evaluation of school operations, practices and program outcomes.  The achievement level of students shall be the guiding standard through which all success shall be measured.


School Board Organization

Statement of Practices


Members shall attend all regularly scheduled Board of Education meetings insofar as possible. Any member failing to attend the meeting of the Board for three (3) consecutive regular meetings, unless excused by a majority of the Board for reasons satisfactory to the Board, shall be deemed to have vacated the seat; and the secretary of the Board shall certify that fact to the Board. The vacancy shall be filled as other vacancies occurring in the Board. Attendance for purposes of  this provision shall be defined as actual, physical attendance at the Board meeting until all of the business of the Board has been completed unless a member is excused by a majority of the Board.


Members shall come to Board of Education meetings informed concerning the issues to be considered.


Members shall avoid abstaining except when required by statute or Board policy. The members of the Board have been elected to make difficult decisions on behalf of the students, parents, patrons and employees of the district. The concept of trusteeship requires each member to review the issues under the Board's consideration and to take a stand regarding those issues. A member who has conformed to the above-described tenets of knowledge, open discussion, independent judgment, and independent and civility should be prepared to cast a vote on each of the issues before that member.


Members shall work with other Board members to establish effective Board policies and to delegate authority for the administration of the schools to the Superintendent. Members shall not attempt to by-pass, undermine, or usurp the Superintendent's authority and responsibility for the daily operation of the schools.

Conflict of Interest (Refer to Policy and Regulation 0342 – Nepotism, Conflict of Interest and Financial Disclosure)

Members shall avoid being placed in a position of conflict of interest, and shall not use the Board position for personal or partisan gain. Members shall conduct themselves in accordance with the conflict of interest policy and disclosure requirements prescribed by statute and Board policy.


Members shall not disclose confidential information. Information is confidential if it is (a) communicated during executive session; or (b) otherwise communicated with a mutual understanding of confidentiality.

Acceptance of Gifts

Members shall not solicit or accept gifts, payments, or anything greater than a nominal value item or holiday gifts of nominal value from any person, organization, group, or entity doing business or desiring to do business with the School District.

Contact with Vendors
Members, if contacted by a vendor requesting information about the District's bidding procedures, whether of a general nature or with regard to specific goods or services to be bid, shall provide the vendor with the name and business telephone number of the administrator responsible for purchasing such goods or services. The member shall request that the vendor contact the relevant administrator and direct all questions and concerns to that administrator.

Board Communications to Staff

All official communications, policies, and directives of staff interest and concern will be communicated to staff members through the Superintendent, and the Superintendent will employ such media as are appropriate to keep the staff fully informed of the Board's concerns and actions.

Visits to Schools

Individual Board members who, in their parental capacity, wish to visit the school(s) or classroom(s) of their child(ren) will follow the regular procedures for visitors. Board members who wish to visit other schools or classrooms as an informal expression of interest in school affairs will inform the Superintendent who will arrange such visit(s) through appropriate principal(s). Official visits by Board members will be conducted only with the full knowledge of the Superintendent and principal(s) involved.

Educational Welfare

Members shall remember always that the first and greatest concern must be the educational welfare of the students attending the School District.

          (Regulation 0320)
School Board Organization

School Board Elections

The qualified voters of the School District shall annually on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of April, elect two directors for terms of three years, except, effective for Board elections beginning in April of 1993, and each three years thereafter, when three directors shall be elected in compliance with regulations specified in state law.

An election shall not be held if the number of candidates who have filed for the Board is equal to the number of positions available.

Qualified Voters in the School District

An individual must be a registered voter in order to vote in a school election. In order to vote, a person must be eighteen (18) years of age or older, must be a citizen of the United States, and must reside in the School District thirty (30) days.

Candidate Qualification  - Method of Filing

Qualified applicants for the Board may file for office beginning at 8:00 a.m. in the Superintendent's office commencing on the sixteenth (16th) Tuesday prior to the election and ending at 5:00 p.m. on the eleventh (11th) Tuesday before the election. The candidate shall declare his/her intent to become a candidate, in person and in writing to the secretary of the Board of Education. The names of qualified candidates shall be placed on the ballot in the order of filing. The notice of election and certification of candidates must be submitted to the county clerk by the tenth Tuesday prior to the election. Candidates must comply with all of the prevailing laws concerning eligibility and campaign financing.

A candidate who files for one vacancy and later decides to run for another shall be positioned on the ballot according to the time when his/her change of declaration is received by the secretary of the Board, not on the basis of when the first petition was filed.

Candidates must be citizens of the United States and resident taxpayers of the District, reside in his/her state for one year next preceding their election or appointment, and be at least twenty-four (24) years of age. Each newly elected or appointed director shall qualify and take his/her oath of office in the manner prescribed by law and according to Policy 0330 - Oath of Office.

          (Regulation 0321)
School Board Organization

School Board Officers

Within fourteen (14) days after the annual Board election in April, the Board will meet to administer the oath of office to new Board members and to elect a president and vice-president.  Thereafter, on or before the 15th day of July of each year, the Board shall elect a secretary and a treasurer, who shall enter upon their respective duties on the 15th day of July.  The secretary and treasurer may or may not be members of the Board (RSMo. Section 162.301(2)).


School Board Organization


Any School Board member who wishes to resign from office shall inform the School Board secretary in writing. The School Board secretary shall certify to the Board that the office is vacant. The Board will then appoint a replacement to serve until the next School Board election, at which time the position shall be filled by election to complete the unexpired term.


School Board Organization

Filling Board Vacancies

Whenever a vacancy occurs on the Board of Education, the remaining members of the Board will, by majority vote, select an individual to fill the vacant position until the next annual school election.

In filling the vacancy the Board will inform the community and solicit applications.  In addition, the Board may affirmatively solicit qualified community members to apply for the vacant position.  The Board, or a committee designated by the Board will screen the applicants and will select no more than three applicants for Board interview.  Candidate interviews and the vote taken to fill the vacancy will occur in an open session meeting of the Board.


School Board Organization

Oath of Office

Within fourteen (14) days after their election, the newly elected members of the Board shall take the oath of office proscribed by Article VII, Section II, of the Constitution of Missouri, RSMo. Section 162.301(1).


I, __________________________________________________ , do solemnly swear that I am
   Board Member

at least twenty-four (24) years of age, that I am a citizen of the United States and a resident

taxpayer of the __________________________________________________ , in
     School District

__________________________________________________ in the State of Missouri, and that

I will support the Constitutions of the United States and of the State of Missouri, and that I will

abide by and uphold the __________________________________________________
      School District

Board Member Code of Ethics, and will faithfully demean myself in office.


School Board Organization

Code of Ethics

The purpose of the Board of Education is:

1. To govern and control the affairs of the District as provided by law.

2. To discover and interpret the educational needs, attitudes and interests throughout the District as a guide to developing and setting priorities for an educational program.

3. To exercise judgment in reviewing, considering and voting on district wide policies affecting the operation of the schools.

4. To oversee the management and fiscal control of the schools as provided by law and to review, evaluate and judge the effectiveness of the educational program.

The roles of members of the Board of Education are:

1. To recognize that it is the responsibility of the Board to see that the schools are properly administered, not to administer them.

2. To hold the Superintendent responsible for the implementation of Board policies and the administration of the District.

3. To give the Superintendent authority commensurate with his/her responsibility.

4. To vote on Board matters only after considering the recommendation of the Superintendent and any interested citizens.

5. To maintain a working rapport with other members of the Board and the Superintendent.

6. To respect and encourage the right of others to hold and express opinions.

7. To support the Board once a legal decision has been made by a majority vote.

8. To avoid inappropriate or disparaging remarks, in or out of Board meetings, about other Board members or their opinions.

9. To realize that the responsibilities are district-wide.

10. To recognize that authority rests with the School Board in legal session and no individual Board member has legal authority to request action from the staff.

11. To avoid any comments which may be interpreted as undermining the administration of the District.

12. To assure that special committees, when appointed, have a well defined objective and that there is understanding that the committee serves in an advisory capacity.

In addition, members of the Board of Education will:

1. Work through the Superintendent and his/her staff.

2. Support the Superintendent's efforts to appoint the most qualified persons as employees of the District.

3. Reinforce the efforts of the Superintendent and the staff so that they may perform their assigned responsibilities in the most effective manner.

4. Provide the Superintendent counsel as requested or required.

5. Make every effort to keep all citizens informed about the quality and condition of public school education in the District.

6. Initiate and implement all efforts to secure adequate financial support for the District.

7. Assure that all transactions of the District are ethical, open and aboveboard.

          (Regulation 0342)
School Board Organization       (Form 0342)

Nepotism, Conflict of Interest and Financial Disclosure

The Board may employ a person related within the fourth degree to a Board member (see Form 0342), provided the related Board member does not debate or vote upon the employment issue.  However, the Board may not under any circumstances employ one of its own members.

In order to consider employment of a Board member's spouse, the position must have been advertised as required in Policy 4120 - Employment Procedures. In addition, the Superintendent must consider and submit a written affirmative recommendation to the Board. The names of all applicants for that position, as well as the name of the applicant hired, are to be included in the Board minutes.

Members of the Board of Education will conduct themselves in a manner which complies not only with the letter of conflict of interest laws, but also in the spirit of those provisions.   Board members will at all times make good faith efforts to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest. If a situation arises which involves the potential for a conflict of interest, the individual Board member will declare his interest and will refrain from debating or voting upon the question of engaging or using the business entity in question.


School Board Organization

School Board Compensation

No member of the Board shall accept a salary from, or be employed by the Board, or profit financially in any manner by reason of any dealings with the Board.


School Board Organization

School Board Travel

Travel and accompanying expenses may be authorized by a majority of the Board of Education for any of its members to attend conferences, meetings, seminars, conventions, etc., at the state, regional and national levels. Travel expenses may include transportation, lodging, meals and registration fees.

Each Board member who has been approved for travel shall file with the Business and Finance Office an itemized account of anticipated expenses and may request and receive an advance for these expenses. Upon completion of travel, an actual expense account report, with appropriate receipts, shall be filed with the Business and Finance Office within the next two weeks.

Travel requests will not normally be approved in the three months prior to the completion of a Board member's term.


School Board Organization

Board Committees

The Board may appoint committees to assist it in carrying out the Board's responsibilities.  However, the Board may not delegate those functions which, by law, must be exercised by the Board of Education.

Committee Guidelines

1. Committees created by the Board of Education will be assigned specific tasks to be performed and will be assigned a specific time frame within which to accomplish assigned tasks.

2. Upon completion of these tasks or upon expiration of the time allotted, the committee will be dissolved unless extended by the Board.

3. Reports of Board committees may be made in written form or be presented verbally at a Board meeting at the discretion of the Board.

Committee Meetings

Meetings of committees appointed by the Board or at the Board's direction including advisory committees appointed for the specific purpose of recommending policy, policy revisions, expenditures of public funds to the Board or to the Superintendent will comply with the notice and open meeting provision applicable to Board of Education meetings.  The District's custodian of records will maintain a current list of such advisory committees.

          (Regulation 0410)



The regular meeting of the Board shall be held on the _________________________ in each month, at the hour of ______ p.m., except when a majority of the Board agrees in advance and public notice is given.  Public meetings may be conducted in person or by conference call, video chats, Internet conferences, e-mails and Internet message board.


Special meetings may be held at the time set by the Board or on the call of the Board president or a majority of the Board.  (Not less than twenty-four (24) hours written notice, stating the time and place of the meeting and the business to be considered, will be given to each member.)  Simultaneously with the giving of notice of such meeting to the members of the Board, a written notice of the meeting and the matters to be considered will be posted in the same manner as postings for regular Board meetings.

Quorum and Majority Vote

The presence of a majority of the Board constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business.  However, the letting of contracts, employment of personnel, approval of bills for payment and the ordering of warrants require an affirmative vote of a majority of the Board.

Closed Meetings

The Board may vote to conduct closed executive sessions as provided for in Policy 0430 – Executive Sessions.  In order to enter into executive session, such motion must be approved by a roll call majority vote.  The motion to enter executive session must reference the specific statutory matters to be discussed.

Any Board member may object to the closing of a meeting, record or vote if the member believes the motion to close violates the Sunshine Law; such member(s) must object at or before the motion to close is voted upon and must vote against closing.  The member(s) shall be allowed to fully participate in any subsequent meeting or vote.  The objecting member(s) shall be immune from any liability for improper closure of a meeting.

Recording of Board Meetings

The open sessions of Board meetings may be audio or video taped.  The Board has adopted guidelines set forth in Regulation 0410 to minimize the potential disruptive effect of such recordings.

Firearms and Weapons

Possession of firearms and weapons are prohibited from all school premises and school activities.  This prohibition specifically applies to meetings and activities of the Board of Education and applies to all attendees, including members of the Board.  The firearm prohibition includes permitted weapons.  (See also Policy 1432 – Prohibition Against Firearms and Weapons.)

          (Regulation 0411)
Meetings         (Form 0411)

Meeting Agenda

A tentative agenda for each regular, special or proposed closed meeting of the Board shall be prepared by the Superintendent, in consultation with the Board president, and shall be included in any public notice of such meetings. Any member of the Board may request items to be placed on the agenda. The tentative agenda, related materials and minutes of the previous meeting shall be mailed to each member of the Board at least four days prior to the stated meeting unless a special emergency meeting is called at a time which makes the four day prior notice impossible.

The agenda for each meeting of the Board shall be adopted or modified by a motion by a majority of those Board members present. Once the agenda is approved, it shall require a vote of majority of the Board members present to make additional modifications.

The agenda for closed sessions shall be on a separate document; however, the motion to close a meeting must be voted on during a public meeting and must also include the reasons for closing the meeting with references to the specific topics under the provision of Section 610.021, RSMo. as valid grounds for a closed meeting session.



Meetings - Participation by Public

A designated period of time may be provided for public comments at all regular Board meetings.  The Board is very interested in citizen viewpoints and problems; however, citizens are encouraged to work through problems at the building and/or administrative levels before coming to the Board.  Remarks may be limited to three minutes and to one appearance, thus allowing a maximum number of participants in the allotted time period in which citizens are to speak to issues.  Questions directed to the Board may not always be answered immediately.  All questions will be responded to by an appropriate person as soon as possible.  Persons who wish to suggest items for the agenda should contact the Superintendent.

          (Form 0420)


Open Session Minutes

Minutes of the Board of Education meetings shall be available to District residents for inspection at the Superintendent of Schools office, at reasonable hours.  The minutes will include the date, time, place, members present, members absent, and a record of any votes taken.

Closed Session Minutes

A separate minute book used solely for the purpose of executive sessions shall be used to record the minutes.  Under such circumstances, the Board members and others in attendance are honor-bound not to disclose the details or discussions or minutes of the executive session.  Any vote taken during a closed session will be taken and recorded by a roll call vote.



Executive Sessions

The Board reserves the right, as provided by law, to close meetings, records and votes as they relate to the matters below. All discussion and action by the Board in executive session must be related to the reasons set forth in the motion to enter executive session.  The minutes of the executive session shall be recorded and maintained in a separate, confidential minute book.  (See Policy 0420 – Minutes.)

Legal Matters

Litigation including privileged communications between the Board, its representatives, and its attorneys.  Upon completion of the litigation or upon the execution of a settlement agreement, the vote, minutes, and settlement agreement will be made public unless subject to a court order closing the record.

Real Estate Matters

The lease, purchase or sale of real estate where public knowledge of the details of the proposed acquisition might adversely affect the District's interests.  Any vote or public record approving such a contract shall become available to the public upon execution of the contract.

Personnel Matters

Actions related to the hiring, firing, disciplining or promotion of a District employee when the performance or individual merits of this employee is considered.  Any vote on a final decision to hire, fire, promote or discipline will be available to the public within seventy-two (72) hours of the close of the meeting, except that good faith efforts will be made to notify the affected employee prior to the information becoming publicly available.  Disclosure of Board action on such personnel matters will include notice of how each Board member voted on the proposition.

Student Matters

Scholastic probation, expulsion, discipline, or graduation of identifiable persons, including records of individual test or examination scores subject to the provisions of the Board's student records policy and regulations.

Employee Negotiations

Preparations for negotiations with employees and employee representatives, including any work
product of the Board.
Software Codes

Test Matters

Testing and examination materials before the test or examination is given and until use of the test is discontinued.

Bidding Matters

Competitive bidding specifications, until officially approved or published for bids.  Sealed bids, until the earlier of the time all are opened or all are accepted or rejected.

Personnel Records

Individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records related to employees or applicants for employment.  However, the public will have access to the names, positions, salaries, and length of service of employees of the District.

Communications with District Auditor

Confidential and privileged communication between the Board and its auditor, including all auditor's work product.  However, final audit reports issued by the auditor will be open.

Security Systems

Information provided to the District by outside consultants relating to the security of District facilities.  However, expenditures of public funds for the purchase of security systems are considered to be open public records.

Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, consultant reports involving open records matters which were prepared for the District are deemed to be open records.

          (Form 0440)

Notification of Board Meetings

Notice of meetings of the Board of Education, including committees of the Board as provided in Policy 0360 – Board Committees, will be given in a manner to reasonably inform the public of the matters to be considered by the Board.

Notice of the time, date, and place of the meeting as well as the tentative agenda will be provided at least twenty-four (24) hours, exclusive of holidays and weekends, prior to the meeting unless for good cause it is impossible or impractical to provide such notice.  In such instances, the nature of the impossibility or impracticality will be stated in the minutes.  In order to maximize public participation, notice of Board meetings will be posted in each District school and at the District's administrative offices.  Upon request, members of the media will be provided with notice of the meeting at the same time notice is provided to members of the Board.  Meetings will be scheduled at a location reasonably accessible to the public in a room of sufficient size to accommodate the anticipated attendance by the public.

Where meetings are conducted by telephone or other electronic means, written notice of such meetings will include the specific mode by which the meetings will be conducted and the location where the public may attend such electronic meetings.  If a meeting is conducted through the Internet or other computer link, notice of such meeting will be posted on an existing District web site.


Policy Development and Review

Policy Development, Adoption and Review

The development and adoption of policies to govern operation of the School District are the responsibility of the Board of Education.  In developing policy, the Board may solicit input from the community, staff and other professionals.

At any meeting of the Board, policies governing the schools may be enacted, amended or repealed by a majority vote.  The formal adoption of policies shall be recorded in the minutes of the Board.  Only those written statements so adopted and so recorded shall be regarded as official Board policy.


The Superintendent of Schools is assigned the responsibility for insuring that all Board policies, rules and regulations are implemented.  The Board authorizes the Superintendent to develop administrative guidelines in order to implement Board policy.  The Superintendent shall notify all employees and students of their need to abide by Board policies and regulations.  Administrators shall prepare staff, student and parent handbooks that interpret Board policies and state rules and regulations that affect each population set.  The handbooks shall be revised annually and distributed within the first month of the school term.


The Board shall review written policies on a continuing basis to ensure consistency and legality of Board action and administrative decisions.  Policies shall be reviewed and revised as a result of newly enacted state and/or federal legislation, court decisions, as a result of research and/or policy development as presented by state and/or national organizations and agencies, or for other reasons as determined by the Board.

Posting Board Policies and Student Handbooks

During periods of time in which the District maintains a District web site, the Board’s policies and regulations along with student handbooks will be posted on the web site.

          (Regulation 1110)
Religion         (Form 1110)

Religious Expression

The District is committed to provide educational services and to maintain a learning environment, which does not limit or deny participation in constitutionally protected prayer or other protected religious expression. Consistent with the provisions of the First Amendment, the District and its employees, who are engaged in official duties, will not sponsor any religious activity or expression. Conversely, the District and its employees, who are engaged in official duties, will not discourage or preclude religious expression that is privately initiated, consistent with this policy and regulation. (For Board policy regarding instruction and religious or controversial issues, refer to Policy 6242 - Religious or Controversial Issues.)


Calendar Requirements

School Year and School Day

The Board will annually adopt a school calendar that will provide for a minimum of 174 days and 1,044 hours of pupil attendance. The beginning of the school year will not generally be set more than ten (10) days prior to Labor Day.  Should the Board decide to set an earlier start date, the Board will:

? Give public notice of the meeting to discuss an earlier start date

? Conduct a public meeting

? Vote at that meeting to allow an earlier start date

The length of the school day will meet State Department of Elementary and Secondary Education requirements for six (6) clock hours of instruction. A school year and school day in excess of the state required minimum may be recommended by the Superintendent and approved by the Board.

If the District's schools are dismissed due to inclement weather after school has been in session for three or more hours, that day shall count as a full day, including kindergarten.  When the total hours lost due to inclement weather exceed twelve (12) hours, the time must be made up in half- or full-day additions to the school term.

The District shall be required to make up the first six (6) school days lost or canceled due to inclement weather and half the number of days lost or canceled in excess of six days.  For purposes of this Policy, “inclement weather” shall mean ice, snow, extreme cold, flooding or a tornado, but not excessive heat.


Equal Opportunity

The District is committed to providing equal opportunity in all areas of education, recruiting, hiring, retention, promotion and contracted service.  The District further commits itself to the policy that there shall be no unlawful discrimination against any person because of race, color, religion, disability, age, gender or national origin.

The District's equal opportunity policy extends to prohibitions against unlawful harassment of students or employees because of the individual's race, color, religion, disability, age, gender or national origin.

          (Regulation 1310)
Equal Opportunity        (Form 1310)

Civil Rights, Title IX, Section 504

The District assures that it will comply with:

1. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq., which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in programs and activities receiving Federal financial assistance.

2. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), as amended, 29 U.S.C. 794, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in programs and activities receiving Federal financial assistance.

3. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), as amended, 20 U.S.C. 1681 et seq., which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs and activities receiving Federal financial assistance. The provisions of Title IX apply to students with regard to educational opportunities and freedom from harassment, employees with regard to employment opportunities and freedom from harassment, and to individuals with whom the Board does business.

4. The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended 42 U.S.C. 6101 et seq., which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance.

5. All regulations, guidelines, and standards lawfully adopted under the above statutes by the United States Department of Education.

The District shall appoint an administrator(s) to assure compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975.  A District may designate only one employee to serve as both the Title IX and Section 504 Coordinator.  In that case, the individual must assume the responsibilities of both coordinators.  Those responsibilities are outlined in Regulation 1310.

It is the policy of the District to process all grievances in a fair and expeditious manner, with the intent of resolving them in a mutually agreeable manner.  Regulation 1310 provides mechanisms for the resolution of grievances/complaints by employees, patrons and/or students relating to discrimination under Section 504 and Title IX.

This policy and the corresponding regulation do not pertain to the identification, evaluation or placement of students under Section 504.  The topics of the identification, evaluation and

placement of students under Section 504 are addressed in the following separate District policies and regulations: Policy and Regulation 2110 - Equal Education Opportunity, and Policy and Regulation 6250 - Instruction for Students with Disabilities.

For issues pertaining to freedom from harassment, refer to Policy and Regulation 2130 - Harassment, and Policy and Regulation 4810 - Sexual Harassment.
          (Regulation 1405)
School/Community Relations

Parent/Family Involvement in Education

The Board of Education recognizes the positive effects of parents/families’ involvement in the education of their children.  The Board is committed to strong parent/family involvement in working collaboratively with district staff as knowledgeable partners in educating district students.  In order to implement the Board’s commitment to parent/family involvement in education, the Superintendent will appoint a committee of parents, staff, and community representatives to serve as the district’s Parent Involvement Committee.  The Committee’s responsibilities will include recommendations for program development, parent/staff training and program evaluation.  Program evaluation reports will be prepared and submitted to the Superintendent annually by June 1.


School/Community Relations

Relations with Law Enforcement Authorities

It is the District policy to cooperate fully with law enforcement agencies in promoting the welfare of District's students, staff and the community.  As provided in Policy and Regulation 2673, District officials will satisfy the reporting requirements of the Safe Schools Act.  (See also Policy 2150 - Searches by School Personnel, and Policy 2160 - Interviews, Interrogations and Removal from School.)

          (Regulation 1420)
School/Community Relations

Community Use of School Facilities

School District facilities are available for community use when facilities are not required for instructional or administration purposes.  Use of District facilities is subject to approval of the community group's application and is subject to conditions established by the Board of Education as set forth in administrative regulations.

To the extent that school facilities are available for community use, such facilities will be open, under the same terms and conditions, to youth groups including but not limited to Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Big Brothers-Big Sisters of America, Boys and Girls Clubs of America, Little League Baseball and similar groups. When outside groups are permitted to use school facilities under this policy, the District will not unlawfully discriminate against groups based upon a group's religious, political or philosophical content of the speech at such meetings.


School/Community Relations

School Volunteers

The District encourages participation of parents and citizens of the community to volunteer in the schools in order to serve as additional resources to the teachers and students.  Prior to serving as a volunteer, each individual who may have unsupervised contact with a child must complete an application for the position, have a satisfactory criminal records check, and have a satisfactory check of the child abuse/neglect records maintained by the Missouri Department of Social Services.

School/Community Relations

Visitors To Schools

Principals and teachers shall welcome and encourage visits by parents/guardians, Board members, volunteers and patrons of the schools.  All visitors shall report to the principal's office on entering the building so that the office will be aware of their presence. When a patron of the school has a need for a conference with a teacher or counselor, an appointment should be made so the staff member may proceed with his/her assigned duties without undue interruption.

Groups of visitors wishing to visit the school or facilities shall notify the Superintendent as far in advance as possible.

Students dismissed earlier in one school than others are not permitted to be on the grounds of any other school in the District.

All persons who do not obtain permission from the principal's office to visit the school, or visitors who create serious distractions to the learning environment in the building or on the premises, shall be considered trespassers and subject to arrest and prosecution.

In order to minimize the potential harm to staff and students, persons listed on the sex offenders list may not be present in any school building, or on district property, in any district vehicle utilized to transport students, or be present at school activities without the written permission of the Superintendent.  If permission is granted for a specific event or events, the Superintendent will notify the principal, where the sex offender will be present.

          (Regulation 1431)
School/Community Relations

Code of Conduct - Adults

The Board of Education believes in and fosters a safe and orderly environment for all students, staff, and visitors.

Therefore, the Board of Education has established a code of conduct for parents, patrons, and visitors on school premises and at school activities.  All parents, patrons, and visitors will be expected to conduct themselves in a manner reflective of a positive role model for children.  Public displays contrary to this expectation as provided in Regulation 1431 will result in sanctions which will limit a person's access to school activities and school premises.


School/Community Relations

Prohibition Against Firearms and Weapons

The presence of firearms and weapons poses a substantial risk of serious harm to District students, staff and community members. Therefore, possession of firearms and weapons is prohibited on school premises at all times except for law enforcement officials. As used in this policy, the phrase school premises includes all District buildings, grounds, vehicles and parking areas. This prohibition also extends to the sites of school activities, whether or not those school activities are conducted on School District property.

Individuals found to be in violation of this policy will be dealt with severely. Students will be disciplined up to and including expulsion as provided in Policy and Regulation 2620 - Firearms and Weapons in School. Law enforcement officials will be notified and the individual violating this policy will be directed to leave school premises. Non-students violating this policy will be barred from all school premises and school activities for a period of one (1) year. Subsequent violations by the same individual will result in a permanent bar from school premises and school activities.

Student participation in school sanctioned gun safety courses, student military or ROTC courses, or other school sponsored firearm related events does not constitute a violation of this policy, provided the student does not carry a firearm or other weapon into any school, school bus, or onto the premises of any other activity sponsored or sanctioned by school officials. In addition, persons passing through school district property for purposes of dropping off or picking up a student do not violate this policy if they possess a lawful permitted weapon in the vehicle during this time.

          (Regulation 1440)
School/Community Relations      (Form 1440)

Research Requests

Requests for research studies involving students and/or staff of the School District must be submitted to the Superintendent of Schools or the Superintendent's designee for approval. Any research utilizing human subjects must be authenticated by the sponsoring university. Written permission from parents of the students to be involved must also be obtained as well as approval of each principal whose school is to be involved.

          (Regulation 1450)
School/Community Relations      (Form 1450)

Public Access to District Documents

The District provides public access for the inspection and copying of the District's public records.  As a general practice, the District requires advance payment of a copy fee which does not exceed ten (10) cents per page for pages not larger than nine by fourteen inches and a search and duplication fee that does not exceed the average hourly rate of pay for District clerical staff.  However, copies of the District's public records may be provided without a fee or at a reduced fee when the Board determines that a reduction is in the public interest.  In assessing fee reductions, the Board will consider the potential that the reduction will significantly contribute to public understanding of the District's operations and will consider the degree of commercial value to be gained by the person requesting a fee reduction.  In accordance with state law, search time that would require more than clerical duplication of documents may be charged at the actual cost of research time.

Similarly, the District will provide public access for inspection and duplication of the District's public records maintained on audio, video, or similar media.  Public access includes but is not limited to computer facilities, recording tapes, disks, video tapes, films, pictures, slides, graphics, and illustrations.  The District requires advance payment not to exceed the cost of copies, staff time (not to exceed the average hourly rate of pay for clerical staff), and the cost of the disk or tape used for duplication.

In order to facilitate public access to the District's public records, the Board will appoint a custodian of records.  The custodian will be responsible for maintaining the District's public records as well as for assuring access to the District's public records.  The identity, business address, and office telephone number of the custodian of records will be published annually and will be available at the District's administrative office.  The procedures for implementing public access provided in this policy are set forth in Regulation 1450.

          (Regulation 1460)
School/Community Relations

Community Involvement in Decision Making

The Board of Education recognizes that many residents of the District may be especially qualified to take an active part in school affairs because of their training, experience, or personal characteristics and encourages them to take an active part in school affairs.

The Board shall give substantial weight to the advice it receives from individuals and community groups interested in the District's schools, but shall use its own judgment in arriving at decisions.


School/Community Relations

Public Gifts to Schools

The Board of Education recognizes the educational value of appropriate gifts to schools from Parent Teacher Organizations (PTO), other civic groups, corporations, or individuals, and encourages their use to enrich the instructional program.  Therefore, gifts which may serve to enhance and extend the work of the schools may be received by the District as approved by the Board.


School/Community Relations

Public Complaints

Although no member of the community shall be denied the right to petition the Board of Education for redress of a grievance, the complaints will be referred through the proper administrative channels for solution before investigation or action by the Board. Exceptions are complaints that concern Board actions or Board operations only.

The Board advises the public that the proper channeling of complaints involving instruction, discipline, or learning materials is as follows:

1. Teacher

2. Principal

3. Appropriate Central Office Administrator

4. Superintendent

5. Board of Education

Any complaint about school personnel will be investigated by the Administration before consideration and action by the Board.


Office Methods and Data Management


Custodian of District Records

The Board of Education will designate the custodian of District records who shall maintain, protect, and make such records accessible to authorized persons.

          (Regulation 1520)
Office Methods and Data Management

School District Annual Report

School District officials will submit to the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education all data and reports as required by law and/or by regulations of the Missouri State Board of Education.  The Annual Report will be completed and submitted in accordance with department regulations.

The Annual Report will be distributed to all media outlets serving the District, and will be made available to all District patrons, and to each member of the General Assembly representing a legislative District that contains a portion of the School District.


Private, State and Federal Programs Administration

Where appropriate the District will seek to participate in private, state and federal grant programs as recommended by the Administration and approved by the Board of Education. Procedures for development of grant proposals are set forth in Regulation 1620 - Private, State and Federal Funding.


Private, State and Federal Programs Administration

Protection of Student Rights

All instructional materials, including teachers' manuals, films, tapes or other supplementary material which will be used in connection with any student survey, analysis or evaluation shall be available for inspection by parents/guardians of the students. This requirement also applies to the collection, disclosure or use of student information for marketing surveys.

No student shall be required to submit to a survey, analysis, or evaluation as part of a school program or marketing survey that requires students to reveal personal information concerning:

1. Political affiliations of the student or student's family;

2. Mental and psychological problems of the student or his/her family;

3. Sexual behavior and attitudes;

4. Illegal, antisocial or self-incriminating behavior;

5. Critical appraisals of other individuals with whom respondents have close family relationships;

6. Religious practices and affiliations;

7. Legally recognized privileged or analogous relationships, such as those of lawyers, physicians and ministers; or

8. Income, other than that required by law to determine eligibility for participation in a program or for receiving financial assistance.

The District will give parents notice of their right to inspect surveys and instructional materials used in educating their children, and of the right to opt their child out of participating in activities that concern any of the above eight areas.

          (Regulation 1620)
Private, State and Federal Programs Administration

Private, State and Federal Funding

Grants from outside agencies are to be related to the needs and priorities of the District in the form of program improvement. Outside funds are to be regarded as supplemental in nature, intended to enhance or augment the usual efforts toward desired goals, quality of learning, inservice education, or capital improvement. Grants may lead to research and development that will be of value to the District. All such funds will be deposited, accounted, and reported through the District's accounting office. The Board directs that the Administration keep financial and program records to document the compliance with all state and federal requirements and to corroborate program success.

All employees of the School District who plan to apply to an outside agency (private, corporate, or governmental) for grants or other types of funds for District use must clear the request with the Superintendent of Schools or designee before preparing an application. The application must then be approved by the Board of Education before submission to the source of funding.

Grants cannot be requested that would require District expenditures not budgeted in the current fiscal year. District funds may not be obligated in advance for future years by the terms of a grant without prior Board approval.

If a grant requires participation by children in experimental types of instruction, written permission of parents must be secured.

          (Regulation 1621)
Private, State and Federal Programs Administration

Title I

Parent Involvement

The Board recognizes the importance of parental involvement with the Title I program and will provide a variety of opportunities for parents to be involved in policy design and in the planning, implementation and review of Title I programs.

Staff Qualifications

Title I teachers and paraprofessionals must meet the qualifications outlined in Regulation 1621.

Reporting Requirements

Pursuant to the provisions of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, the District will submit its Federal Title I LEA Plan, describing the District's Title I services.


Administrative Organization and Roles

Administrative Reports

The Board of Education may require reports from the Superintendent and other administrative officials concerning the status of District programs, educational needs and long-term District planning.  The Board will take steps to monitor the success of District schools in achieving their educational objectives.

          (Regulation 1720)
Administrative Organization and Roles

Superintendent of Schools

The Superintendent is the chief administrative officer of the School District. The Superintendent, under the direction of the Board, is responsible for the general supervision of the schools and all District personnel. The Superintendent is the chief executive officer of the Board and shall be responsible to the Board for the execution of the policies, rules and regulations and directives given by the Board, and for the functions listed in Regulation 1720.

The Superintendent is the authorized representative and signatory for all official matters pertaining to the School District.

Qualifications of the Superintendent of Schools

The Superintendent shall hold Missouri Teacher's and Superintendent's Certificates and have prior teaching experience. Prior experience as a school administrator is desirable.

Terms of Employment

The Superintendent’s contract will be based on a twelve-month year, with salary and work year to be established by the Board.


The Superintendent of Schools may be employed by the Board of Education for a term of from one (1) to three (3) years.  The terms of the Superintendent's employment will be contained in a written contract signed by the Superintendent, the Board President and the Board Secretary.  During the term of the Superintendent's contract, the amount of compensation and benefits provided in the contract may not be changed.

Evaluation of the Superintendent

The Board of Education will evaluate the performance of the Superintendent in or by February in each contract year.  The Superintendent's evaluation will be based, in part, upon the Superintendent's annual goals provided to the Board of Education.


The employment of the Superintendent terminates upon expiration of the Superintendent’s contract.  The decision to extend the Superintendent’s contract or to deny such extension lies in the total discretion of the Board.

In addition, and as provided in the Superintendent’s employment contract, the Superintendent’s contract may be terminated by mutual consent, termination for cause, or death or incapacity.

          (Form 1722)
Administrative Organization and Roles

Superintendent's Contract

The Superintendent of Schools may be employed by the Board of Education for a term of from one (1) to three (3) years.  The terms of the Superintendent's employment will be contained in a written contract signed by the Superintendent, the Board President and the Board Secretary.  During the term of the Superintendent's contract, the amount of compensation and benefits provided in the contract may not be changed.


The employment of the Superintendent terminates upon expiration of the Superintendent’s contract.  The decision to extend the Superintendent’s contract or to deny such extension lies in the total discretion of the Board.

In addition, and as provided in the Superintendent’s employment contract, the Superintendent’s contract may be terminated by mutual consent, termination for cause, or death or incapacity.

          (Form 1723)
Administrative Organization and Roles

Evaluation of the Superintendent

The Board of Education will evaluate the performance of the Superintendent in or by February in each contract year.  The Superintendent's evaluation will be based, in part, upon the Superintendent's annual goals provided to the Board of Education.


Administrative Organization and Roles

Building Administration

Under the supervision of the Superintendent or the Superintendent's designee, the building principals serve as the instructional leaders of their assigned buildings.  In that capacity, building administrators are responsible for the implementation of Board policies and regulations.  Each building administrator will be evaluated on his/her instructional leadership and the success of his/her students.

STUDENTS         Policy 2100

Nondiscrimination and Student Rights

The Board of Education reaffirms its belief that every student regardless of race, color, sex, national origin, age, ethnicity, disability, or perceived sexual orientation be given equal opportunity for educational development.

The Board recognizes the importance of providing each student with a school environment conducive to intellectual, emotional and social growth through participation in a full range of educational programs and activities.  Board and staff commitments insure equal educational opportunities in course offerings, guidance and counseling, test procedures, extracurricular activities, discipline procedures and student support services

STUDENTS         Policy 2110
          (Regulation 2110)
Nondiscrimination and Student Rights

Equal Educational Opportunity

It is the policy of the Board of Education to provide a free and appropriate education for students with disabilities. Students with disabilities are those who, because of certain atypical characteristics, have been identified by professionally qualified personnel as requiring special educational planning and services. Students with disabilities will be identified on the basis of physical, health, sensory, and/or emotional handicaps, behavioral problems or observable exceptionalities in mental ability. It is possible that a student may have more than one type of disability.

The District's programs and services available to meet the needs of these students will be in accordance with The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, The Education for All Handicapped Students Act of 1975, The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504, and § 162.670 - .995 RSMo., Missouri Special Education Services. In addition, the identification of students with disabilities and the services provided by the District will be in accordance with the regulations and guidelines of the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's Current Plan for Part B of The Education of the Handicapped Act, as amended.  (See Policy and Regulation 6250 - Instruction for Students with Disabilities.)
STUDENTS         Policy 2120

Nondiscrimination and Student Rights

Students of Legal Age

Upon attainment of the age of eighteen (18), students will be deemed to be adults for purposes of educational records, placement and reporting.

STUDENTS         Policy 2130
          (Regulation 2130)
Nondiscrimination and Student Rights     (Form 2130)


It is the policy of the District to maintain a learning environment that is free from harassment because of an individual's race, color, sex, national origin, age, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, or perceived sexual orientation.  The School District prohibits any and all forms of unlawful harassment and discrimination because of race, color, sex, national origin, age, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, or perceived sexual orientation.

It shall be a violation of District policy for any student, teacher, administrator, or other school personnel of this District to harass or unlawfully discriminate against a student through conduct of a sexual nature, or regarding race, color, national origin, age, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, or perceived sexual orientation as defined by this Policy.

It shall also be a violation of District policy for any teacher, administrator, or other school personnel of this District to tolerate sexual harassment or harassment because of a student's race, color, national origin, age, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, or perceived sexual orientation, as defined by this Policy, by a student, teacher, administrator, other school personnel, or by any third parties who are participating in, observing, or otherwise engaged in activities, including sporting events and other extracurricular activities, under the auspices of the School District.

For purposes of this Policy, the term "school personnel" includes school board members, school employees, agents, volunteers, contractors, or persons subject to the supervision and control of the District.

The school system will act to promptly investigate all complaints, either formal or informal, verbal or written, of unlawful harassment or unlawful discrimination because of race, color, sex, national origin, age, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, or perceived sexual orientation; to promptly take appropriate action to protect individuals from further harassment or discrimination; and, if it determines that unlawful harassment or discrimination occurred, to promptly and appropriately discipline any student, teacher, administrator, or other school personnel who is found to have violated this Policy, and/or to take other appropriate action reasonably calculated to end the harassment/discrimination.

STUDENTS         Policy 2140

Nondiscrimination and Student Rights

Marital, Parental Status of Students

Students who are married, pregnant or who have given birth will be treated in a like manner as other students with respect to academic matters, student activities and other educational benefits provided by the District.

STUDENTS         Policy 2150
          (Form 2150)
Nondiscrimination and Student Rights

Searches by School Personnel

School lockers and desks are the property of the Board of Education and are provided for the convenience of students, and as such, are subject to periodic inspection without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant.  The lockers and desks may be searched by school administrators or staff who have a reasonable suspicion that the lockers or desks contain drugs, alcohol, material of a disruptive nature, stolen properties, weapons, items posing a danger to the health or safety of students and school employees, or evidence of a violation of school policy.  In addition, the Board of Education authorizes the use of trained dogs to sniff lockers or other school property to assist in the detection of the presence of drugs, explosives, and other contraband.

Students or student property may be searched based on reasonable suspicion of a violation of District rules, policy or state law.  Reasonable suspicion must be based on facts known to the administration, credible information provided or reasonable inference drawn from such facts or information.  The privacy and dignity of students shall be respected.  Searches shall be carried out in the presence of adult witnesses, if such witnesses are available.  Students may be asked to empty pockets, remove jackets, coats, shoes and other articles of exterior clothing for examination if reasonable under the circumstances.

No employee shall perform a strip search of any student.  The exception to this would be if a school administrator reasonably believes that a student possesses a weapon, explosive, or substance that poses an imminent threat of physical harm to himself or herself or another person, and if a commissioned law enforcement officer is not immediately available.  Strip searches may be conducted by, or under the authority of, a commissioned law enforcement officer.

Students are permitted to park on school premises as a matter of privilege, not of right.  The school retains the authority to conduct routine patrols of the student parking lots.  The interior of a student's automobile on school premises may be searched if a school administrator has reasonable suspicion to believe that illegal, unauthorized or contraband items, or evidence of a violation of school policy is contained inside the vehicle.

Law enforcement officials shall be contacted if the search produces a controlled substance, drug paraphernalia, weapons, stolen goods or evidence of a crime, in any case involving a violation of law when a student refuses to allow a search, or where the search cannot safely be conducted.  Parents may also be contacted.  A student who refuses to submit to a search may be appropriately disciplined by school officials.

STUDENTS         Policy 2160

Nondiscrimination and Student Rights

Interviews, Interrogations and Removal From School

Interview or Interrogation

The School District has legal jurisdiction over students during the school day and hours of approved extracurricular activities. The school administration is responsible for making an effort to protect each student's rights with respect to interrogations by law enforcement officials. When law enforcement officials find it necessary to question students during the school day or periods of extracurricular activities, the school principal or designee will be present and the interview will be conducted in private.

The principal will verify and record the identity of the officer or other authority and request an explanation of the need to question or interview the student at school. The principal ordinarily will make reasonable efforts to notify the student's parents/guardians.

Removal of Students From School

Before a student at school is arrested or taken into custody by a law enforcement or other legally authorized person, the principal will verify the official's authority to take custody of the student. The school principal will attempt to notify the student's parent/guardian that the student is being removed from school.

STUDENTS         Policy 2170
          (Regulation 2170)
Nondiscrimination and Student Rights

Distribution of Noncurricular Publications by Students

The District recognizes that student expression regarding a variety of topics may be beneficial to the District's educational mission.  Discussion and debate regarding serious issues can engender tolerance for diverse viewpoints.  The District, however, has the obligation to ensure that student expression is consistent with the District's educational mission.  Accordingly, the District has adopted guidelines to regulate student expression in a manner consistent with the District's educational goals.

STUDENTS         Policy 2180

Nondiscrimination and Student Rights

Pledge of Allegiance

Schools shall ensure that the Pledge of Allegiance is recited in at least one scheduled class of every student no less than once a week.

No student shall be required to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

STUDENTS         Policy 2200

Admission and Withdrawal

The admission of all students shall be under the direction of the Superintendent, subject to the approval of the Board of Education. All persons seeking admission to the District and its instructional programs must satisfactorily meet all residency, academic, age, immunization, health and other eligibility prerequisites as established by Board policies, rules and regulations, and by state law. Students entering the School District will be required to present a birth certificate or some other acceptable proof of age.

Students who are entering kindergarten or first grade are encouraged to pre-register in the spring prior to the fall semester in which they are to begin attendance.

STUDENTS         Policy 2210

Admission and Withdrawal

Entrance Age

Entrance Age for Kindergarten

To be admitted to kindergarten or to summer school prior to the student's regular term, a student must be five (5) years old before August 1st preceding entrance.

Entrance Age for First Grade

To be admitted to first grade a student must be six (6) years old before August 1st preceding entrance. However, students who have completed an accredited kindergarten program will be considered for enrollment in the first grade regardless of the August 1st cut-off date.

A birth certificate will be required as proof of age.

STUDENTS         Policy 2220

Admission and Withdrawal

Compulsory Attendance Ages

The Board of Education shall abide by the compulsory attendance laws of the state by requiring District resident students between the ages of seven and sixteen years to attend school full time, with the exception of those students who may be excused from full-time attendance by the Superintendent. Individual petitions for any deviation from full-time attendance shall be considered by the Superintendent on the merits of the individual student's application and in compliance with state law and regulations.

Any student age sixteen years or older who drops out of school for any reason other than to attend another school, college or university, or to enlist in the armed services, shall be reported to the state literacy hotline office by the School District.

STUDENTS         Policy 2230
          (Regulation 2230)
Admission and Withdrawal       (Form 2230)

Admission of Resident Students

All students, five to twenty-one (5-21) years of age, who reside within the boundaries of the District may attend District schools tuition free.  In order to "reside" within the District, the student must be physically domiciled within District boundaries.  The domicile of a minor child is the domicile of a parent, military guardian pursuant to a military issued guardianship, or court-appointed legal guardian.


The residency provisions of this policy are not applicable to homeless students, students with only one parent living, inter-District desegregation students, wards of the state, students placed in a residential care facility due to a mental illness or developmental disability, students placed in a residential facility by a juvenile court, or students attending regional or cooperative alternative education programs.  The exemptions are expressly established by state law and entitle such students to tuition-free school attendance.  For purposes of IDEA special education evaluation and provision of special education services a student attending a private school located within the District will be evaluated as a resident student.

Students of Nonresident Teachers and Regular Employees

Nonresident students of District teachers or regular District employees may be permitted to attend school without payment of tuition.  Such students will be considered to be "resident" students for purposes of state aid.

STUDENTS         Policy 2240
          (Regulation 2240)
Admission and Withdrawal

Admission and Tuition - Nonresident Students

Nonresident students may be permitted to attend the District schools upon payment of tuition provided the student is not barred from enrollment by provisions of the Safe Schools Act. (See Policy 2664.)  Tuition rates will be determined annually by the Board of Education on the basis of the per-pupil cost for the preceding year including operation, maintenance, and debt service of the schools.

Within two (2) business days of enrollment in the District by state officials of a nonresident student pursuant to state statute, the Superintendent/designee will request the student's transfer and discipline records from all schools or facilities previously attended and from other state agencies and entities involved in the placement of the student within the twenty-four (24) month period preceding enrollment.  The Superintendent/designee is authorized to share relevant portions of such student's transfer and discipline records with District employees who, based upon their duties, have a need to know such information.  Such records will be maintained in confidence for purposes of maintaining discipline and for assistance to the student.  The student's transfer and discipline records will not be a part of the student's permanent record nor used as the sole basis for denying educational services to a pupil.

STUDENTS         Policy 2245

Admission and Withdrawal

Transfer Students

All students entering the District from other educational settings are required to submit evidence of their achievement in the last grade attended.  Grade placement of a student may be adjusted on the basis of examination of the student's previous record, achievement tests administered, or other factors that the principal and staff believe are appropriate under the circumstances.  A transcript of all entering secondary school students is required before enrollment can be completed.  However, a student may be permitted to enroll temporarily until a full transcript is obtained.

Transfers from Unaccredited Schools

Parents/guardians should be advised that if they choose to transfer their student to the public school from an unaccredited school, the student will not be guaranteed comparable placement in the public schools. Students transferring will be assigned an appropriate grade level and class assignment based on their educational and developmental level as determined by the principal through assessment of student's age, educational experience, achievement tests and consultation with parent/guardian and personnel from the student's former school.

Intradistrict Transfers

The Superintendent may authorize the transfer of a student from one District school to another. Reasons for the transfer may include, but are not limited to:

1. Welfare of the student
2. Disciplinary concerns
3. Curriculum offerings
4. Special education placement
5. Parent/guardian custody
6. Relocation of residence
7. Student of a District employee
8. Transportation

The request for transfer may be initiated by the building principal and/or the parent/guardian. The request shall outline the reasons for the transfer, the positive and negative impact upon the student, and any differences of opinion about the transfer. A request for a student transfer will be submitted to the Superintendent.

STUDENTS         Policy 2250
          (Regulation 2250)
Admission and Withdrawal

Admission of Exchange Students

Resident foreign exchange students under the auspices of an organization or association accredited by the state and/or federal governments for that purpose may enroll in the School District, and shall have all the rights and privileges of a resident student during the period of enrollment. Those sponsoring agencies which comply with the standards for foreign student exchange programs as established by the U.S. Department of State are those which will be recognized by the District.

STUDENTS         Policy 2260
          (Regulation 2260)
Admission and Withdrawal

Homeless Students

The Board of Education is committed to providing equal access for all eligible homeless students to a free, appropriate education in the same manner as is provided to other District students.  In carrying out this commitment, the District will identify and assess the needs of the District's homeless students; provide for the placement of its homeless students in the school of best interest; provide access to the District's programs; and appoint a homeless coordinator.  The Superintendent will review all District policies to determine whether they act as barriers to the enrollment of homeless students.   Special attention will be given to policies regarding transportation, immunization, residency, birth certificates, school records and guardianship. (See also Policy and Regulation 6273 – Instruction for Homeless Students.)

STUDENTS         Policy 2270
          (Regulation 2270)
Admission and Withdrawal

Migrant Students

The Board of Education is committed to the identification, needs assessment and enrollment of migrant students living within the District.  The District's Coordinator of Programs for Homeless Students is also responsible for implementation and maintenance of the District's program for migrant students. (See also Policy 6274 – Instruction for Migrant Students.)

STUDENTS         Policy 2280

Admission and Withdrawal

Admission of Home Schooled Students

Students who enroll in the District from a home-schooled status must meet residency requirements as stipulated in Policy 2230.

Grade placement will be determined by an administrative evaluation of records from the home-school setting and assessment of student's age, total educational experience, achievement tests administered at the time of District registration, and consultation with parents/guardians.

STUDENTS         Policy 2290

Admission and Withdrawal

Student Withdrawal From School

Students who withdraw from school for any reason are required to notify the building principal and provide a specific reason for withdrawal.

Each building principal will submit a monthly report to the Superintendent concerning the identity and reason of each student withdrawing from school.

Building principals will respond within five (5) business days to requests by other schools for the records of students transferring from District schools. Records transferred pursuant to such requests will include the written notification of criminal charges/adjudications by law enforcement officials for criminal acts listed in Regulation 2673.

STUDENTS         Policy 2310
          (Regulation 2310)

Student Attendance

The Board of Education believes that regular attendance is essential to achieving success in school.  Education is a total process based upon continual communication and shared responsibilities among parents, students, teachers and school.  As students mature and progress through the educational system, they should increasingly assume responsibility for regular attendance.  However, parents have a legal and moral responsibility to require regular attendance at school.

STUDENTS         Policy 2320
          (Regulation 2320)

Part-Time Attendance

Students may attend District schools on a part-time basis as provided by state law and regulations of the Board of Education.

STUDENTS         Policy 2330
          (Regulation 2330)

Student Early Dismissal Procedures

Students are to be released from school during school hours only with permission of the building principal/designee.

Early dismissal of a student may be approved only by the principal/designee.  Normally requests for early dismissal must be in writing, signed and dated by a parent/guardian.

STUDENTS         Policy 2340
          (Regulation 2340)

Truancy and Educational Neglect

The Board of Education believes regular attendance is important to academic success. Therefore, the Board directs that problems with attendance on the part of any student be investigated and acted upon promptly.

Truancy is defined as deliberate absence from school on the part of the pupil with or without the knowledge of the parent/guardian and for which no justifiable excuse is given. When a pattern of truancy becomes evident, the principal will investigate and take such action as circumstances dictate.

Section 210.115 R.S.Mo. mandates reporting to the Division of Family Services when there is reasonable cause to suspect that a student's nonattendance is due to the educational neglect of the parents/guardians.

Any school official or employee who knows or has reasonable cause to suspect that a student is being subjected to home conditions or circumstances which would reasonably result in truancy will immediately report or cause a report to be made to the building principal, or his/her designee, who will then become responsible for making a report via the Student Abuse Hotline to the Missouri Division of Family Services (DFS). The building principal shall inform the Superintendent/designee that a report has been made, and keep the Superintendent apprised of the status of the case.

STUDENTS         Policy 2400
          (Regulation 2400)
Student Educational Records      (Form 2400)

A cumulative educational record shall be maintained for each student from his/her entrance into school through the last date of attendance or through graduation, whichever occurs first.

Each student's educational record will include information required by state and federal statutes, regulations or agencies and shall include other information considered necessary by school officials.

The District will comply with the mandates of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Safe Schools Act regarding confidentiality of student records and disclosure of personally identifiable information.

The parents/guardians of students who are attending or have attended the District's schools have the right to inspect and review the educational records of their students and to request amendment of their students’ educational records.  The District has adopted procedures for the
granting of parental requests for access to the educational records of their students within a reasonable period of time, but in no case more than forty-five (45) days after the request is made.

All information contained in a student's educational record, except information designated as directory information by the District, shall be confidential and shall be directly accessible only to school officials who demonstrate a legitimate educational interest in the student's records and to parents/guardians or eligible students.

Upon request by military recruiters or an institution of higher learning, the District will provide students' names, addresses and telephone listings. Parents will be notified annually of their right to individually request that such information not be released without prior parental consent. Military recruiters will be provided the same access to students as is given to institutions of higher learning.

STUDENTS         Policy 2410
          (Regulation 2410)
Student Educational Records

Health Information Records

Except as otherwise required to comply with the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), records containing student health information will be stored separately from other student records in a locked file cabinet or in a secure computer file.

STUDENTS         Policy 2520
          (Regulation 2520)
Student Academic Achievement

Promotion and Retention

The purpose of promotions and retentions is to provide maximum consideration for the long-range welfare of the student and to provide an opportunity for each student to progress through school according to his/her own needs and abilities.

It is expected that most students in the schools will be promoted annually from one grade level to another upon completion of satisfactory work, however, a student may be retained when his/her standards of achievement or social, emotional, mental, or physical development would not allow satisfactory progress in the next higher grade. Retention normally occurs before the student leaves the primary grades.

Parents/guardians who wish to appeal the decision for retention must first contact the building principal. If parents/guardians do not accept the decision at the building level, an appeal may be made in writing to the Superintendent. All appeals must be requested within two (2) weeks after the close of school.

The process for reading assessments and remediation, and retention guidelines for students who fail to meet the District's objectives for reading, are contained in Regulation 2520 - Promotion and Retention.
STUDENTS         Policy 2525
Student Academic Achievement

Graduation Requirements

The graduation requirements set out in this policy will apply to the Class of 2010.  Students who will be in the ninth (9th) grade for the 2006-07 must adjust their schedules for each school year beginning 2006-07 to satisfy the minimum requirements for high school graduation in 2010.

The minimum graduation requirements effective for the Class of 2010 are as follows:

  Communication Arts   4  units
  Social Studies    3  units
  Mathematics    3  units
  Science    3  units
   Fine Arts    1  unit
  Practical Arts    1  unit
  Physical Education   1  unit
  Health Education   ½ unit
  Personal Finance   ½ unit
  Electives    7  units
     Total   24 units

The District will accept courses offered through Missouri’s K12 Virtual Instructional Program (MoVIP) as units of credit meeting state and local graduation requirements beginning with the 2007-08 school year provided however the quantity and quality of completed student works meets standards applicable to the District’s traditional program.  (See Policy Virtual Instruction Program).
STUDENTS         Policy 2530

Student Academic Achievement

Graduation Requirements - Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities must meet graduation requirements outlined in District Policy subject to Individual Education Program (IEP) modifications.

STUDENTS         Policy 2540

Student Academic Achievement

Early Graduation

Graduation, with all attendant privileges, will be allowed any time after six (6) semesters of attendance beginning with grade nine and attainment of all requirements as set by the state and local School Boards. Early graduation should be part of a cooperative plan arrived at by students, their parent/guardian, and the school.

The above requirements may be modified in exceptional cases with approval of the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the Superintendent.

STUDENTS         Policy 2600


The District has the authority to control student conduct which is prejudicial to good order and discipline in the schools as provided by state law.  School officials are authorized to hold students accountable for misconduct in school, on school property, during school-sponsored activities and for conduct away from school or in nonschool activities which affect school discipline.

Students forfeit their right to a public school education by engaging in conduct prohibited in Regulation 2610 and related provisions.  Disciplinary consequences include, but are not limited to, withdrawal of school privileges (athletics, intramurals, student clubs and activities and school social events); the reassignment of the student to another school; removal for up to ten (10) school days by school principals; extension of suspensions for a total of 180 days by the Superintendent; and longer term suspension and expulsion from school by the Board of Education.

The District will provide annual inservice training to all employees concerning the District's discipline regulations and their implementation.  Annual training will also include, but will not be limited to, approved methods of dealing with school violence, discipline of students with disabilities, and the requirements of student confidentiality.

STUDENTS         Policy 2610
          (Regulation 2610)

Behavioral Expectations

All students attending school in District schools will be expected to accept the obligation and responsibility to attend school on a regular basis and to comply with the District's discipline code set forth in Regulation 2610. Those students who choose not to fulfill their responsibilities at school will be held accountable for their conduct. Consequences for individual acts of misconduct are calculated to discipline the student, to deter future misconduct, and to provide a safe and positive environment in which students can maximize their learning potential.  Students who engage in significant acts of misconduct off campus which materially and adversely impact the education of district students will be subject to discipline up to and including expulsion.

STUDENTS         Policy 2620
          (Regulation 2620)

Firearms and Weapons in School

The District recognizes firearm and weapon possession as a potential threat to the health, safety and security of students, employees, and other persons. The District will not tolerate the presence of firearms or weapons on the premises of our schools.  This prohibition includes possession of firearms and weapons on school playgrounds, school parking lots, school buses, and at school activities, whether on or off school property. The District complies with the provisions of the Improving America's Schools Act of 1994, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and other applicable federal and state law.

Nothing in this policy shall prohibit the District from permitting a Civil War re-enactor to bring a Civil War era weapon to school for educational purposes so long as the weapon is not loaded.

Students who violate this policy will be suspended for no less than one (1) year and are subject to permanent expulsion. However, the Superintendent may recommend to the Board a modification of the suspension on a case-by-case basis.

This policy will be annually submitted to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education together with a report of disciplinary action taken for possession of a "firearm" or "weapon" as defined in Regulation 2620.

STUDENTS         Policy 2630


Closed Campus

With the safety and welfare of the students in mind, the Board of Education has closed all campuses during the school day. Permission to leave school will be granted only for valid reasons, and only with a written request signed by a parent/guardian. In emergency situations, a telephone call from a parent/guardian may suffice, with approval of the building principal.

STUDENTS         Policy 2640


Student Use of Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs


The Board of Education believes that smoking and the use of any tobacco product is detrimental to the health and well-being of staff and students. Therefore the Board prohibits the use, sale, transfer and possession of tobacco products at school and at school activities.

Alcohol and Drug Use

The improper use of controlled substances, alcohol and substances represented to be such is detrimental to the health and welfare of students and is detrimental to discipline in school.  Such conduct as well as the possession of drug paraphernalia is prohibited and is subject to disciplinary action as set forth in Regulation 2610.

STUDENTS         Policy 2641


Drug-Free Schools

Pursuant to requirements of the 1989 amendments of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act and to the requirements of the Safe Schools Act, and for the purpose of preventing the use of illicit drugs and alcohol by students, the District shall provide age-appropriate, developmentally based drug and alcohol education and prevention programs to all students from early childhood level through grade twelve (12).  (See also Policy 6130 - Drug Education.) Such programs will address the legal, social and health consequences of drug and alcohol use, and provide information about effective techniques for resisting peer pressure to use illicit drugs or alcohol.

The District shall provide information about any drug and alcohol counseling and rehabilitation and re-entry programs that are available to students. Students may be required to participate in such programs in order to avoid suspension or expulsion if they are found to be in violation of this policy. All parents/guardians and students shall annually be provided with a copy of this policy.

The District certifies that it has adopted and implemented the drug prevention program described in this policy in the form required by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education or the United States Department of Education. The District conducts a biennial review of such program to determine its effectiveness, to implement necessary changes and to ensure that the disciplinary sanctions are consistently enforced.

STUDENTS         Policy 2650
          (Form 2650)

Student Vehicle Use

Building principals have the authority to regulate student use of automobiles at school.  Use of school property for student parking purposes is a privilege that may be denied due to violation of District regulations and school policies.  Student vehicles parked on District property are subject to search by school officials where there is reason to believe a vehicle contains materials prohibited by District regulations.

STUDENTS         Policy 2651


Student Dress

The Board of Education expects student dress and grooming to be neat, clean and in keeping with community standards, so that each student may share in promoting a positive, healthy and safe atmosphere within the School District. This expectation includes the school day and school sponsored extracurricular activities.

Students shall observe modes of dress and standards of personal grooming that are in conformity with the educational environment and necessary to maintain an orderly and safe atmosphere for all students.  Apparel is expected to conform to reasonable student standards of modesty, and as such, no excessive or inappropriate areas of skin or undergarments may be exposed.  No apparel or grooming which presents a safety concern is permitted.  No apparel displaying messages that are gang-related, sexually explicit, vulgar, violent, or advocating illegal activities is permitted.  Further, no clothing or personal grooming that disrupts, or can be forecasted to disrupt, the educational environment is permitted.

STUDENTS         Policy 2652


Student Conduct on Buses

The safety of students during their transportation to and from school is a responsibility which they and their parents/guardians share with the bus drivers and school officials. Therefore, the rules of student conduct will be issued to all students at the beginning of the school year, and to new students upon enrollment.

STUDENTS         Policy 2653
          (Regulation 2653)

Student Participation in Secret Organizations and Gangs

The Board of Education prohibits membership in secret fraternities or sororities, or in other clubs or gangs not sponsored by established agencies or organizations recognized by the School District.

The Board of Education feels that the presence of gangs and gang activities can cause a substantial disruption of or material interference with school and school activities.  A "gang" as defined in this policy is any group of two or more persons whose purposes include the commission of illegal acts.  By this policy, the Board of Education acts to prohibit existence of gangs and gang activities as follows:

No student on or about school property or at any school activity:

1. Shall wear, possess, use, distribute, display, or sell any clothing, jewelry, emblem, badge, symbol, sign, or other things which are evidence of membership or affiliation in any gang.

2. Shall commit any act or omission or use any speech either verbal or non-verbal (gestures, handshakes, etc.) showing membership or affiliation in a gang.

3. Shall use any speech or commit any act or omission in furtherance of the interests of any gang or gang activity, including but not limited to:

a. Soliciting others for membership in any gangs.

b. Requesting any person to pay protection or otherwise intimidating or threatening any person.

c. Committing any other illegal act or other violation of school District policies.

d. Inciting other students to act with physical violence upon any other person.

STUDENTS         Policy 2654


Student Use and Care of School Property

The Board of Education recognizes that acts of destruction, defacing, trespassing, burglary and theft of District property are contrary to the interests of students, staff and tax payers.  The District officials will cooperate fully with all law enforcement agencies in the prevention of crimes against District property as well as in the prosecution of persons involved in such conduct.

The District will seek restitution from students and other persons who have damaged or destroyed District property.  As permitted by law, the District will also seek restitution from the parent/guardian of children involved in such misconduct.

STUDENTS          Policy 2655



The District is committed to maintaining a learning and working environment free of any form of bullying or intimidation by students toward District personnel or students on school grounds, or school time, at a school sponsored activity or in a school related context.  Bullying is the intentional action by an individual or group of individuals to inflict physical, emotional or mental suffering on another individual or group of individuals.

Bullying occurs when a student:

?  Communicates with another by any means including telephone, writing or via electronic communications, intention to intimidate, or inflict physical, emotional, or mental harm without legitimate purpose, or

?  Physically contacts another person with the intent to intimidate or to inflict physical, emotional, or mental harm without legitimate purpose.  Physical contact does not require physical touching, although touching may be included.

Students who are found to have violated this policy will be subject to the following consequences depending on factors such as: age of student(s), degree of harm, severity of behavior, number of incidences, etc.  Consequences:  Loss of privileges, classroom detention, Conference with Teacher, parents contacted, conference with Principal, in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, expulsion and law enforcement contacted.

STUDENTS          Policy 2656


Student Cell Phone Usage

Developments in cell phone technology in recent years have resulted in enhanced communication opportunities.  However, the use of cell phones in schools poses increasing risks of school disruptions, bullying, criminal activity, and academic dishonesty.  As a result, beginning with the 2008-09 school year, student cell phones, digital cameras and similar electronic devices will be banned during the instructional day, as well as, in dressing areas during extracurricular activities.  Violation of this policy during the first semester after adoption of this policy will result in in-school suspension, while second offenses will result in out-of-school suspension being imposed.  After the first semester 2008-09, out-of-school suspensions will be imposed on the first and subsequent offenses.

Parents may apply to the building principal to obtain a hardship exception.  In such cases, the student’s cell phone must be retained in the principal’s office.  Students granted a hardship may visit the office to use their cell phone for approved purposes.  Telephones are also available in school offices for parents to contact their student for legitimate reasons.

STUDENTS         Policy 2660
          (Regulation 2660)


The provisions of a detention program for student violations of policies, rules and regulations shall provide principals with an additional alternative for dealing with disciplinary problems that occur in the schools. Detention is an assigned before-school and/or after-school period, during which student activity is closely monitored and severely restricted. Students are expected to be quiet during the entire detention period and to work exclusively on assigned tasks.

STUDENTS         Policy 2661


In-School Suspension

In-school suspension is a structured disciplinary action in which a student is isolated or removed from regular classroom activities, but is not dismissed from the school setting. The principal/ designee may assign students to the in-school suspension program for a reasonable and specified period of time.

STUDENTS         Policy 2662
          (Regulation 2662)
Discipline         (Form 2662)


Suspension refers to an exclusion from school for a specific period of time short of permanent exclusion.  Building principals are authorized to suspend students for periods of time not to exceed ten (10) school days for violation of District regulations.  Building principals may also recommend extensions of suspension for periods of time up to 180 school days by the Superintendent.  The Superintendent of schools may suspend students for periods up to 180 school days and recommend longer suspensions and expulsions to the Board of Education.  Only the Board may impose suspensions in excess of 180 school days.

STUDENTS         Policy 2663
          (Regulation 2663)
Discipline         (Form 2663)


The term "expulsion" refers to permanent exclusion from school.

If a student consistently or egregiously refuses to conform to school policies, rules and/or regulations, the Principal and Superintendent may recommend to the Board of Education that the student be expelled from school. The Board will review such recommendations and decide whether to proceed with an expulsion hearing.

STUDENTS         Policy 2664
          (Regulation 2664)

Enrollment or Return Following Suspension and/or Expulsion

No student shall be readmitted, or permitted to enroll or otherwise attend school (except as may otherwise be required by law), following a suspension or expulsion from this or any other school until the District has conducted a conference to review the conduct that resulted in the expulsion or suspension, and any remedial actions needed to prevent any future occurrences of such or related conduct.

STUDENTS         Policy 2670


Corporal Punishment: Authorized

Corporal punishment should be used only after other methods have failed and when there is reason to believe it will be helpful in maintaining discipline or in the development of the student's character and power of self-control.

All instances of corporal punishment shall be witnessed by at least one other adult member of the school staff and will only be administered by a principal or other District administrator.

STUDENTS         Policy 2670


Corporal Punishment: Prohibited

No person employed by or volunteering for the School District shall administer or cause to be administered corporal punishment upon a student attending District schools.

A staff member may, however, use reasonable restraint against a student without advance notice to the principal, if it is essential for self-defense, the preservation of order, or for the protection of other persons or the property of the School District.

STUDENTS         Policy 2671
          (Regulation 2671)
Discipline         (Form 2671)

Student Discipline Hearings

Parents/guardians of students suspended for more than ten (10) school days may make a written request for a hearing before the Board of Education. This request will be addressed to the Superintendent who will review all matters concerning the suspension and refer the request for a Board hearing.

In conducting a discipline hearing the Board will carefully consider the information presented by the administration and by the parent/guardian. In making its decision concerning guilt and innocence as well as punishment, the Board will be mindful of Board discipline policies in place, the effect of its decision upon the individual student, and the safety and welfare of District students and staff.

STUDENTS         Policy 2672
          (Regulation 2672)

Discipline of Students with Disabilities

The obligation and the responsibility to attend school regularly and to comply with the District's discipline policies applies to all students.  When appropriate, the District may discipline a student with a disability who has not complied with the District's discipline policies in a manner that is consistent with the District's policies and applicable law.  Special education services will be provided to a disabled student if the student has been removed from school for more than ten (10) school days.  If a student with a disability is removed for less than ten (10) cumulative days, educational services will be provided only if such services are provided to students without disabilities who have been similarly removed.

STUDENTS         Policy 2673
          (Regulation 2673)
Discipline         (Form 2673)

Reporting of Violent Behavior

The District requires school administrators to report acts of school violence to teachers and other District employees who are directly responsible for the student's education or who interact with the student in the performance of the employee's duties.  School administrators will also disclose to appropriate staff members portions of any student's individualized education program that is related to past or potentially future violent behavior.  Violent behavior and the phrase acts of school violence are defined as the use of physical force by a student with the intent to do serious physical injury to another person while on school property, including a school bus, or while involved in school activities.

In addition the Superintendent/designee will report to law enforcement officials, as soon as is reasonably practicable, the commission of any of the acts or related juvenile offenses listed in Regulation 2673, which are committed on school property, including school buses, or while involved in school activities.

STUDENTS         Policy 2710
          (Regulation 2710)
Student Welfare

Reporting Student Abuse

The Board of Education believes that school staff members are in a unique position to assist children, families, and the community in dealing with the issue of child abuse and neglect.  In addition, school employees are required by law to report instances of suspected child abuse when the employee has reasonable cause to suspect that a child has been or is likely to be abused or neglected.

Child abuse is defined as any physical injury, sexual abuse or emotional abuse inflicted on a child other than by accidental means.

Neglect is defined as the failure to provide the proper or necessary support, education, nutrition or medical, surgical or other care necessary for the child's well being.

District employees who know or have reason to believe that another District employee has sexually or physically abused a student have an additional duty to notify their immediate supervisor immediately.

STUDENTS         Policy 2720

Student Welfare

Employment of Students

The Superintendent of Schools will make provision for the issuance of work permits to students between the ages of fourteen (14) and sixteen (16).

STUDENTS         Policy 2730

Student Welfare

Supervision of Students

Students are to be under supervision of the professional staff at all times during school hours and at school sponsored activities.

It is the responsibility of principals to arrange for adequate supervision.  It is the duty of teachers to perform assigned supervision.  Students are not to be left unsupervised during the school day whether in instructional areas or on the playground.

STUDENTS         Policy 2740
          (Regulation 2740)
Student Welfare

Student Safety

The District places a high priority on the safety of its students and employees. When a student or employee is the victim of a violent criminal offense, severe disciplinary consequences will be imposed. (See also Regulation 2610 - Behavioral Expectations.) In addition and pursuant to the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, student victims of a violent criminal offense that was committed on school premises will be offered transfer to another District school. To insure awareness of this policy, the parents of student victims will be notified in writing of their right to a school transfer.

For purposes of this policy, a victim is a student who has suffered personal injury or injuries to his or her property as a direct result of a violent criminal offense. This definition does not include bystanders or witnesses to the act unless they suffered personal or property injury as a direct result of a violent criminal offense while on school premises.

The District will notify the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) of all violent criminal offenses committed on school premises when the victim is a student or employee. Reportable offenses are set out in Regulation 2740.

STUDENTS         Policy 2750
          (Regulation 2750)
Student Welfare


The District promotes healthy schools, by supporting wellness, good nutrition, and regular physical activity as part of the total learning environment.  The District supports a healthy environment where children learn and participate in positive dietary and lifestyle practices.  Schools contribute to the basic health status of children by facilitating learning through the support and promotion of good nutrition and physical activity.  Improved health optimizes student performance potential.  The goals of the District's wellness policy are as follows:

1. Provide a comprehensive learning environment for developing and practicing lifelong wellness behaviors.

The entire school environment, not just the classroom, shall be aligned with healthy school goals to positively influence a student's understanding, beliefs, and habits as they relate to good nutrition and regular physical activity.  A healthy school environment should not be sacrificed because of a dependence on revenue from high added fat, high added sugar, and low nutrient foods to support school programs.

2. Support and promote proper dietary habits contributing to student's health status and academic performance.

All foods available on school grounds and at school-sponsored activities during the instructional day should meet or exceed the district nutrition standards.  Emphasis should be placed on foods that are nutrient dense per calorie.  To ensure high quality, nutritious meals, foods should be served with consideration toward variety, appeal, taste, safety, and packaging.

3. Provide more opportunities for students to engage in physical activity.

A quality physical education program is an essential component for all students to learn about and participate in physical activity.  Physical activity should be included in a school's daily education program from grades K through 12.  Physical activity should include regular instructional physical education, co-curricular activities, and recess.  A goal of 150 minutes per week for elementary students, 225 minutes per week for middle school students, and 2 units for high school students during high school years.

4. The District is committed to improve academic performance.

Educators, administrators, parents, health practitioners, and communities should consider the critical role student health plays in academic stamina and performance and adapt the school environment to ensure students' basic nourishment and activity needs are met.  To ensure widespread understanding of the benefits to school environments where nutritious foods are provided and where students have an opportunity for physical activity, a public awareness campaign that highlights research demonstrating the positive relationship between good nutrition, physical activity, and capacity of students to develop and learn should be conducted.

5. Establish and maintain a district-wide Nutrition & Physical Activity Advisory Council with the purposes of:

• Developing guidance to this policy
• Monitoring the implementation of this policy
• Evaluating policy progress
• Serving as a resource to school sites
• Revising policy as necessary

STUDENTS         Policy 2810

Student Services

Guidance and Counseling Services

The Board of Education supports a systematic program of Guidance and Counseling which will be provided to all students from kindergarten through twelfth grade.  This program will be a total education process with a priority of assisting students in reaching their full potential in their personal and educational development.

The Guidance and Counseling program may include the following areas:

1. Counseling

2. Developmental Guidance

3. Testing

4. Orientation, Registration, and Scheduling

5. Referrals

See also Policy 2815 - Assessment and Referrals to Outside Services.

STUDENTS         Policy 2815

Student Services

Assessment and Referrals to Outside Services

The counseling staff, in consultation with other staff members, is responsible for the initial assessment of students' academic progress as well as personal/social concerns.  Where necessary, the District will make available responsive services including individual and small group counseling, crisis counseling, referral to other agencies or professional resources, and vocational and educational placement.  The District will cooperate and assist other agencies with the diagnosis and treatment of students referred for responsive services.  Student information will not be provided to outside agencies until the student's parents/guardians have signed a release of information form.  Except as required by law, the cost of diagnostic and treatment services provided outside the District is the sole responsibility of individual parents/guardians. (Refer to Regulation 6250 - Instruction for Students with Disabilities, pages 4 and 5, regarding standards for minimum qualifications of evaluators and cost indicators for assessments.)

STUDENTS         Policy 2820

Student Services

Psychological Testing of Students

Psychological tests administered to students by qualified District personnel or appropriate diagnostic agencies will ensure quality psychological services in the District, and will protect the educational rights, dignity and privacy of students and parents/guardians.

Psychological evaluations will be made only after informed and written consent of the student's parent/guardian is obtained. A conference will be held with the parent/guardian to review all test results and the student's specific educational needs in the educational program. Psychological data are only partial criteria for determining any change in a student's educational program. Psychological data older than three years shall not be used as the basis for prescriptive teaching or placement.

All psychological services provided by the District or agencies contracted by the District will be in accordance with state and federal statutes and regulations concerning the privacy of student records and use of psychological services. (See also Policy 2815 - Assessments and Referrals to Outside Services.)

STUDENTS         Policy 2830

Student Services

Health Services

The Board of Education believes that in order to provide for the safety and well being of its students, it is necessary to implement and maintain a District-wide student health services program.  The health service staff will be responsible to their building principal and may also be responsible to a designated District administrator.

The District will be responsible for providing first aid or emergency treatment for students in cases of sudden illness or injury.  Where necessary, and with notice to the parent/guardian, emergency health services will be secured.  The parent/guardian is responsible for their child's medical treatment.

STUDENTS         Policy 2840

Student Services

Student Accident Insurance

The Board of Education will provide the opportunity for parents/guardians, students and others to purchase student accident insurance on an annual basis.  Each year the Administration will choose a provider offering group rates and will make the information available to District families.

Participation in any group plan is optional and arrangements for participation are the responsibility of the parents/guardians or students.  However, all students are required to have insurance coverage before they are allowed to practice or compete in interscholastic athletics, cheerleading, pompon squads and similar groups.

STUDENTS         Policy 2850
          (Regulation 2850)
Student Services        (Form 2850)

Inoculations of Students

All students attending District schools are required to be in compliance with state programs mandating immunization against specific diseases.  Failure to comply with District immunization requirements will result in exclusion from school until proof of compliance is provided.  Homeless children will be granted a temporary twenty-four (24) hour grace period within which to submit proof of compliance.

The Superintendent shall institute procedures for the maintenance of health records, which are to show the immunization status of every student enrolled or attending in the District, and for the completion of all necessary reports in accordance with guidelines prepared by the Department of Social Services-Missouri Division of Health.

STUDENTS         Policy 2860
          (Regulation 2860)
Student Services

Students with Communicable Diseases

A student shall not attend classes or other school-sponsored activities, if the student (1) has, or has been exposed to, an acute (short duration) or chronic (long duration) contagious or infectious disease, and (2) is liable to transmit the contagious or infectious disease, unless the Board of Education or its designee has determined, based upon medical evidence, that the student:

1. No longer has the disease.

2. Is not in the contagious or infectious stage of an acute disease.

3. Has a chronic infectious disease that poses little risk of transmission in the school environment with reasonable precautions.

School officials may require any child suspected of having a contagious or infectious disease to be examined by a physician and may exclude the child from school, in accordance with the procedures authorized by this policy, so long as there is a substantial risk of transmission of the disease in the school environment.

A student who has a chronic infectious disease, and who is permitted to attend school, may be required to do so under specified conditions.  Failure to adhere to the conditions will result in the student being excluded from school.  A student who has a chronic infectious disease and who is not permitted to attend school or participate in school activities will be provided instruction in an alternative educational setting in accordance with District policy.

Students with acute or chronic contagious or infectious diseases and their families have a right to privacy and confidentiality.  Only staff members who have a medical reason to know the identity and condition of such students will be informed.  Willful or negligent disclosure of confidential information about a student's medical condition by staff members will be cause for disciplinary action.

The District will implement reporting and disease outbreak control measures in accordance with the provisions of Missouri Department of Health publication PACH-16, "Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases:  A Guide for School Administrators, Nurses, Teachers and Day Care Operators," a copy of which shall be on file in the office of the Supervisor of Health Services and in the office of each school nurse.

STUDENTS         Policy 2870
          (Regulation 2870)
Student Services        (Form 2870)

Administering Medicines To Students

It shall be the policy of the Board of Education that the giving of medicine to students during school hours be discouraged and restricted to medication that cannot be given on an alternative schedule. The Board of Education recognizes that some students may require medication for chronic or short-term illness/injury during the school day to enable them to remain in school and participate in their education.

STUDENTS         Policy 2880

Student Services

Student Physical Examination

The Board of Education may require any student to be examined by a physician for the purpose of determining whether the student is afflicted with a contagious or infectious disease or have the liability of transmitting the disease.

The Board may also require certification from a physician indicating a student's fitness to participate in specific educational programs or extra-class activities.

Refusal on the part of parent/guardian to obtain the required examination and to submit the certification indicating freedom from contagious or infectious disease may result in student exclusion from school.

Students may be excused from engaging in required educational activities upon proper certification from a physician advising of student disability.

All costs of physical or other examinations shall be at the expense of students unless state or federal law specifically mandates the examination to be the responsibility of the school.

Vision Examinations

Beginning July 1, 2008, students enrolling in kindergarten or first grade will be required to receive a vision examination from a state licensed optometrist or physician.

Beginning on July 1, 2008 and continuing through the 2011-12 school year, a trained District nurse or other qualified District employee will conduct eye screening exams for every student prior to the completion of first grade and will again screen before the completion of third grade.  If a student fails an eye screening, the District will notify the parent/guardian of the results of the eye screening and will require the student to receive a complete eye exam from an optometrist or physician.  Students will be excused from the eye screening examination if a student’s parent/guardian submit a written objection to the exam addressed to the student’s principal.
STUDENTS         Policy 2890

Student Services

Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Orders

The School District recognizes that some students have progressive medical conditions that may result in the students' death while present at school or school activities.  The District appreciates the difficult medical and emotional decisions that must be made when families choose to limit resuscitative efforts for these students.  Accordingly, the administration shall develop procedures for evaluating requests by a parent or guardian that the District honor a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order from a licensed physician.

At a minimum, the procedures will require an individualized evaluation of each request.  The procedures will comply with federal and state law.  A health care and resuscitation/non-resuscitation plan shall be developed for each request and shall include a determination regarding what if any resuscitation efforts are appropriate.  Health care and resuscitation/non-resuscitation plans will be developed by a multidisciplinary team that shall include the student's parents or guardians and physician; appropriate school personnel (including but not limited to, the principal, counselor, and school nurse) and their consultants; and when appropriate, the student.  This team will consider the best interests of the student.

The team will also address and plan for the effect of a student's sudden death on other students and staff in each school setting in which the student participates.  Health care and resuscitation/non-resuscitation plans shall be reviewed regularly and have a specific limited duration.  Such plans will be communicated to all school personnel who have a need to know in order to implement these plans.  The administration shall coordinate with local emergency medical services to implement the plans.

STUDENTS         Policy 2910
          (Regulation 2910)
Activities and Athletics

Student Publications

The Board of Education encourages student production and distribution of publications which can provide opportunities for practical journalistic experience and for the written expression of differing opinions. The Board of Education recognizes that freedom of speech and press bring corresponding responsibilities, therefore, in its inherent authority based on Missouri Public School Law, it designates the school principal as the Board's representative. The principal, through appointment of a faculty advisor, shall provide guidance to students in appropriate methods for preparing and producing publications.

The building principal/designee may delay or stop distribution of any materials proposed for printing or that have been printed which may be reasonably forecast to cause substantial and material disruption or obstruction of any lawful mission, process, or function of the school.

STUDENTS         Policy 2920
          (Regulation 2920)
Activities and Athletics       (Form 2920)

Interscholastic Activities and Athletics

The District provides opportunities for students to participate in interscholastic activities and athletics.  The interscholastic programs should encourage participation by as many students as possible and should be carried on with the best interests of the students as the primary consideration. The programs are expected to be well organized and well conducted and to have a positive influence on the students and the community.

Participation in interscholastic and extracurricular activities is a privilege and not a right. Interscholastic competition may be withheld from any student as a condition of discipline. Furthermore, all policies that apply to the regular school day apply also to interscholastic competition. Coaches and sponsors may establish policies for their groups in addition to those set out by the Missouri State High School Activities Association.


Student hazing is inconsistent with the educational goals of the District and poses a significant risk to the physical and mental welfare of District students. Hazing of students, on or off District property, is prohibited and may result in suspension from school and from activity/athletic participation.

STUDENTS         Policy 2940
          (Regulation 2940)
Activities and Athletics

Student Group Use of School Facilities

Pursuant to the Equal Access Act, District secondary schools will provide an opportunity for student-initiated noncurricular groups to conduct meetings on school premises, during noninstructional time, and will not discriminate against students on the basis of the religious, political or philosophical content of the speech at such meetings.

An activity is to be considered curricular if the subject matter is or will be taught in a regularly offered class; if the subject matter concerns the body of courses as a whole; if participation in the group is a requirement for a course; or if academic credit is available for participation.  Extracurricular activities include activities organized and supervised under the auspices of the school.  Extracurricular activities primarily involve students in activities occurring outside academic class time, for which no units of credit are awarded.  Any activity which does not meet the definition of a curricular or extracurricular activity will be considered noncurricular.

          (Regulation 3100)
Financial Management

The Board will adopt a series of policies to provide direction regarding the School District's budget and financial affairs which reflect the educational philosophy of the District and provide a framework in which the District's administration can effectively operate.

The budget and finance processes will conform to all state and local requirements as set forth by the State constitution, State statutes, Department of Elementary and Secondary Education rules, and Board policies.

Good business necessitates keeping accurate, legal and understandable records of receipts and expenditures. It is also essential that procedures be followed which will help to insure that the budget adopted by the Board is effective in providing parameters for the fiscal affairs of the District.

The purpose of the District budget and financial policies will be to provide direction for a systematized procedure that maintains continuity from year to year and informs the public regarding the education and financial operations of the District.


Financial Management

Fraud Prevention

The District is committed to protecting the public funds with which it has been entrusted. Minimizing the losses to fraud and corruption is an essential part of ensuring that all of the District's resources are used for the purpose for which they are intended.

The public is entitled to expect the District to conduct its affairs with integrity, honesty and openness, and demand the highest standards of conduct from those working for it and with it.

Definition of Fraud and Corruption
Although there is no precise legal definition of fraud, the term is used to describe a multitude of offences, including deception, forgery, theft, misappropriation, collusion and false representation of material facts.

Corruption arises when a person receives any benefit which influences them and causes them to act differently when conducting District business.

The District's Response
Board policy requires that matters involving any financial irregularities are referred to the Superintendent for investigation. These matters are taken seriously and additional action, such as disciplinary proceedings and/or prosecution, will be taken where evidence of offences is found.

The Superintendent/designee will:
? Compile a report of findings for submission to the Board with a recommendation as to whether disciplinary action is appropriate.
? Where appropriate, coordinate with the police in order for them to consider taking criminal action.
? Advise departments on how to address procedural weaknesses identified during investigation.

The Investigation Process

The purpose of any investigation is to establish the facts in an equitable and objective manner.

The process will involve the use of authority or delegated powers to:
? screen allegations or information to gauge their credibility;
? secure all evidence;
? interview suspects;
? interview witnesses;
? take statements; and
? coordinate with departments or other agencies (including the police).

The Superintendent/designee will establish and record the basis of the concerns raised and establish what further actions are required. The Board will be informed of all reported disclosures and the actions being taken. In the case of disclosures on alleged fraud and corruption, the Chief Financial Officer will inform the District’s external auditors.

Whenever possible, the individual raising the concern will be advised of the outcome of the investigation. If an individual is not satisfied with the response received and any subsequent action taken, they should put their concerns in writing to the Superintendent who will arrange any further investigation as he/she deems appropriate. The Superintendent will send a written response to the individual concerned.

Reporting Suspicions
If fraud or corruption is suspected, then the matter should be reported without delay. Employees should report suspicions to a supervisor at the outset and retain all evidence. However, if it is thought the supervisor might be involved or there may be a conflict of interest, the matter should be reported directly to a more senior administrator.

It is recognized that for some individuals, raising a concern under this procedure may be a difficult experience. All reported incidents will be investigated.

All reports will be dealt with in confidence, with staff being informed on a need to know basis only.
To ensure that this policy is adhered to, and to assure staff that the concern will be taken seriously, the District will:
? not allow the person raising the concern to be retaliated against for doing so;
? treat retaliation against whistle blowers as a serious matter leading to disciplinary action that may include dismissal;
? not attempt to conceal evidence of poor or unacceptable practice;
? take disciplinary action if an employee destroys or conceals evidence of poor or unacceptable practice or misconduct; and
? ensure confidentiality clauses in employment contracts do not restrict, forbid or penalize whistle blowing.

Overall Objectives
The District's overall objective is to identify and maintain good practices, address weaknesses in current processes and introduce improved systems for the management of those processes. The end result is that of minimizing the amount of fraud and corruption which may occur within the system and significantly reduce the opportunity for fraud or corruption to occur in the future.

          (Regulation 3110)
Financial Management

Preparation of Budget

Each year the Superintendent of Schools is required to submit to the Board of Education for their consideration a detailed annual budget showing estimates of income and expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year. The Board may accept, reject, modify or request revisions of the budget, but will adopt a budget by June 30, according to statutory provisions.

By law the approved estimated expenditures for each fund cannot exceed the estimated revenues to be received plus the unencumbered beginning cash balance for the fund. After the beginning of the fiscal year, the Superintendent shall review with the Board the adopted budget in relationship to the beginning cash balances for each fund.


Financial Management

Fiscal Year

The fiscal year begins annually on the first day of July and ends on the thirtieth day of the following June.


Financial Management

Budget Implementation and Transfer

The annual budget governs the expenditures and obligation of all funds for the District. The Superintendent/designee will establish procedures for funds management and reporting.

No funds may be spent which are not authorized by the annual budget. If an unanticipated need arises, the Board may approve the Superintendent's recommendation to (1) appropriate an amount to cover a needed expenditure from unencumbered budget surplus from the proper fund, or (2) revise the budget to transfer funds from one account to another as permitted by state statutes and DESE regulations.
The Superintendent or Finance Administrator will prepare a monthly statement to account for each month's expenditures and the total spent to date for the fiscal year. The monthly statement will include all receipts and remaining balances for each fund account.


Financial Management

District Fund Accounts

The District will maintain the following funds for the accounting of District moneys: teachers' fund, incidental fund, free textbook fund, capital projects fund and debt service fund.  The treasurer of the District will open and maintain an account for each fund.  These funds are denoted for state reporting purposes as: General Fund, Fund 1 – comprised of the Incidental; Fund 2 – the Special Revenue Fund, comprised of the Teachers' Fund; Fund 3 – The Debt Service Fund; and Fund 4 – the Capital Projects Fund.

All sums received from the county school fund and all sums derived from taxation for teachers' wages will be credited to the teachers' fund.  All tuition fees, state moneys received under §162.975 and 163.031, and all other sums received from the state except as otherwise provided in this policy will be credited to the teachers' fund and incidental funds at the discretion of the Board.  The portion of state aid received by the District pursuant to §163.031, which is included in the operating levy for school purposes, will be credited to the debt service or capital projects funds.  Sums received from other Districts for transportation and sums received from taxation for incidental expenses will be credited to the incidental fund.  Sums apportioned for free textbooks will be credited to the free textbook fund.  All sums received from taxation or received from any other source for the erection of buildings, building additions, remodeling, or reconstruction, furnishing, for the payment of lease purchase obligations, for purchase of real estate, for sale of real estate or personal property, from insurance, from sale of bonds other than refunding bonds will be credited to the capital projects fund.

Sums received from taxation for the retirement of bonds and the payment of interest on bonds will be credited to the debt service fund.  Receipts from delinquent taxes will be credited to individual funds on the same basis as receipts from current taxes.  However, where such distribution of receipts from delinquent taxes would affect the previous years' obligations, distribution to the various funds will be based on the levies for the years in which the obligations were incurred.  All refunds will be credited to the fund from which the original expenditure was made.  Sums donated to the District will be credited to the fund from which it can be expended to meet the purpose of the donation.  Sums received from any other source will be credited to the fund designated by the Board.

Financial Management

Petty Cash

A petty cash fund is a small amount of money ($100.00 or less) that is managed by an administrator in order to purchase small amounts of supplies or cover unanticipated small expenses, such as materials or refreshments for emergency meetings or unexpected guests. The petty cash fund may have been obtained with a requisition to the District Finance Office, raised by a P.T.O., or from a student or community fund-raising event. The designated administrator is accountable for this fund. Funds collected in excess of $100.00 must be processed immediately for proper deposit and are not to be held at a school site.

The petty cash fund must be used for school purposes (purchase of emergency supplies) and must be documented with receipts. If an administrator accrues out-of-pocket expenses, a requisition for reimbursement should be submitted on a monthly basis with back-up information and receipts.

Teachers may not make petty cash purchases without the prior approval of an administrator.

Petty cash should not be used as a short cut to obtain supplies except in an emergency or in cases where very small items make it impractical to order through channels.


Financial Management

State and Federal Projects

With Board of Education approval, the School District may operate various specially funded programs that must be administered in accordance with particular federal and/or state laws, regulations and other conditions for use of such funds.

The Superintendent shall be the designated District official responsible for coordinating funded projects, administering programs and ensuring that the various departments operating these programs do so within the guidelines of the particular program. The administration shall keep accurate and separate records, as required by state and federal programs, to enable the District to verify program compliance and success. The Superintendent shall keep the Board fully informed.

Staff involvement will be solicited by the administration in the planning, implementation and evaluation of programs authorized and approved within the guidelines of Title I of the Improving American Schools Act of 1994 and/or other significant legislative enactments. The vehicle for such involvement shall be determined by the administration, with the approval of the Board of Education.

          (Regulation 3140)
Financial Management       (Form 3140)

Banking Services

The Board of Education has the option of annually selecting District funds depositaries or the Board may enter into a contract of one to five years duration for the deposit of District funds.

When depositaries are to be selected, the District will receive sealed proposals from banking institutions in the county in which the District is located or in adjoining counties.

In order to open new bank accounts in the District’s name, the Superintendent and the Treasurer must sign the account authorization.  Wire transfers of funds into District accounts must be authorized in writing by the Superintendent and Treasurer or other individual authorized by the Board.  In both instances, the Superintendent may appoint a designee to sign for creation of new accounts and for wire transfers.  However, such appointment must be in writing.


Financial Management

Payment Procedures

All money received by the District shall be disbursed only for the purposes for which they are levied, collected or received.

The Board will give final approval to all bills paid. Payment of bills shall be authorized by the Superintendent/designee, only after verification of delivery and satisfaction by the department or staff receiving the item(s). No payment for goods or services shall be made unless both an itemized invoice showing the name of the person or firm to whom payment is due is presented, and a receiving document bearing the signature of an authorized school employee is on file. Furthermore, the invoice must have been issued in response to an approved purchase order.

The Superintendent/designee shall audit all claims, and shall submit all invoices to the Board for approval and authorization for payment.  However, payments for materials or services which are necessary for normal business operations which do not individually exceed $500 or exceed an aggregate monthly amount of $10,000 may be authorized by the Superintendent/designee.  In addition, if cash discount or avoidance of financial penalty can be achieved, the Superintendent/designee is authorized to issue a check.  In all such cases, the identity and amounts of such payments will be provided to the Board at the next regular meeting following payment.  The Board will consider such payments and ratify the action taken.
          (Regulation 3160)
Financial Management

Investment of District Funds

The Board has an obligation to the citizens of the District to direct the management of District funds. The primary objective of the District's investment plan will be legality, safety, liquidity, yield and the provision of a capital base for future needs.  In the management of such funds, the District adheres to the "prudent investor" rule.  Investments will be made with judgment and care, under the circumstances which persons of prudence, discretion and intelligence exercise in the management of their own investments.  Funds will be managed for investment, not for speculation considering the safety of the funds invested and the probable income to be derived.

District personnel, including Board members, who are involved in the investment of District funds, will not engage in any personal business activity which could:

1. Impair their ability to make impartial decisions concerning investment of District funds;

2. Conflict with proper execution of the District's investment program; or

3. Create an appearance of impropriety.

District employees and directors involved in investment of District funds will disclose any material interests in financial institutions in which they conduct business.  Such disclosure will include, but not be limited to any personal financial/investment positions that could be related to the performance of the District's investment portfolio.  Similarly, District employees and directors involved in investment of District funds will not engage in personal investment transactions with the same individual with whom business is conducted on behalf of the District.

Investments will be made through banks or securities dealers who have been approved by the Investment Committee of the State Treasurer's Office.  Such banks and securities dealers will have been subjected to an appropriate investigation by the staff of the State Treasurer's Office.  This investigation will include, among other things, a written review of the firm's financial statements and the background of the sales representatives.  All approved dealers must be fully licensed and registered NASD Brokers/Dealers or exempt banks.  Criteria used to select securities dealers include:

1. Financial strength and capital adequacy of firm;

2. Services provided by firm;

3. Research service available;
4. Résumé, reputation, and qualifications of sales representatives;

5. Due diligence and firm references; and

6. State government expertise.

The performance goals of the District's active investment management program, over time, should produce book yields that are greater than yields from low risk passive investments.  In analyzing the results of the District's investment program, the District will calculate the book yield and total rate of return on District funds compared to the appropriate security market indexes.

The Superintendent/designee will direct the preparation of quarterly investment reports providing a summary of the District's current investment portfolio and all transactions executed since the last report.

Such investment reports will be prepared by the appropriate bank(s) or security dealers for review by the Board and the Superintendent.  Investment reports are considered to be public records and will be made accessible to the public.

Criteria and procedures implementing the District's investment policy have been approved by the Board and are contained in Regulation 3160.

Financial Management

Purchases By and/or Solicitation of School Staff

Conflict of Interest

The School District will not purchase supplies or materials from a staff member of the School District, nor from a member of the household of the staff member, except in emergency situations as determined by the Superintendent of Schools. Neither will the District purchase supplies, materials or services from a member of the Board of Education or from a member of his/her household, or from a firm in which he/she holds a major interest.


Employees of the District will not endorse products or services in such a manner that will identify the employee as an employee of the School District.

Procurement Activities

In any purchasing activities all employees shall refrain from soliciting, discourage the offer of, and decline gifts if offered by any vendor wishing to do business with, or who is doing business with the School District. Instead of making an offer of gifts, the vendor should be encouraged to discount the price of the goods to the school.


The advertising of sale or distribution of any goods or service on school property, for any school activity, shall have prior approval from the building principal or Superintendent. This includes but is not limited to: school personnel, students, parents/guardians, relatives, general public and commercial businesses.

Solicitations of School Staff

Agents, solicitors, and salespersons will be denied the privilege of seeing the school staff during the school day except with permission of the administration.
          (Regulation 3230)
Payroll         (Form 3230)

Expenditures for Certificated Staff

The Board shall expend for tuition, teacher retirement, and compensation for certificated staff an amount that reflects the requirements as outlined in state statute and Department of Elementary and Secondary Education regulations.


Revenue from Tax Sources

Local Tax Sources

In the process of preparing the annual budget, the Superintendent or Finance Administrator shall estimate the amount of actual local tax revenue anticipated to be raised, the rate required to produce the amount, and the rate needed to support the principal and interest payment on bonded indebtedness and general financial obligations of the District. The Superintendent shall recommend the appropriate tax rate to the Board of Education for approval.

If required, the Board shall submit to the voters a proposition for increase in the tax rate beyond the current approved level if it is deemed necessary to obtain increased revenue to meet projected District expenses. State law and Article X, Section 11C of the Missouri Constitution shall govern tax election procedures.

State Tax Sources

All state funds will be accepted for the operation of the District as provided by entitlement by law and through regulations of the Missouri State Board of Education or Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

The Superintendent or District Finance Administrator is responsible for filing all required reports and forms to obtain state funds to which the District is entitled to receive according to developed rules and regulations.

          (Regulation 3320)

Taxing Authority/Tax Rate Hearing

The Board will annually prepare an estimate of the amount of money to be raised by taxation for the ensuing school year, the tax rate required to produce the amount and the rate necessary to sustain the District's schools for the ensuing year, to meet principal and interest payments on the bonded debt of the District, and provide funds to meet other legitimate District purposes.  The District will forward the estimate to the county clerk on or before September 1.

          (Regulation 3330)

Bonded Indebtedness

The School Board may issue bonds for any District expenditures as prescribed in state law. Funds raised through the sale of bonds may be expended only for the purpose set forth in the election which authorized the sale.



Borrowed Funds

State law authorizes the Board to borrow funds in anticipation of the collection of taxes in order to insure continuity in the operations of the District. The School Board must approve in advance all applications for loan indebtedness. The amount borrowed and the repayment of notes payable shall be within guidelines as established by state law and rules and regulations of the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.



Building Use

All receipts from fees for the use of school property by individuals or community groups shall be deposited in the General Revenue fund.



Student Fees and Fines


No fees shall be charged for enrollment, supplies, equipment or costs attributable to courses of study which are offered for credit. Students shall be required to pay for materials which are used in constructing projects or other items which are to be removed from the school and are thereby the property of the student. All projects constructed at school with materials provided by the school are the property of the District and therefore shall not be removed from school unless approved by the appropriate administrator.

Students may be charged fees or admission for participation in activities which are voluntary, such as attendance at school athletic or other co-curricular events. The fee schedule for such events shall be submitted to the Board of Education for approval annually.


Every effort shall be made to protect the financial resources of the District by collecting all payment for student fines, lost or damaged textbooks, damage or vandalism to school property. Collected fines shall be deposited in the appropriate account in order to charge replacement costs for books, materials, equipment or repaired property to the appropriate budget item.




Except when waived, tuition must be paid by nonresident students of the District. The annual rate will be determined by the Board of Education for individuals who wish to attend. Permission to enroll will be granted after reasons for requesting admission have been reviewed and after it has been determined that class enrollments are not excessive.



All fund-raising activities and planning for fund-raising shall be done after school hours unless prior permission is received from the building principal.

Any fund-raising activity which involves students or employees shall require the approval of the building principal and Superintendent.  Involvement is defined as: any activity which advertises the school, students or school organization.

          (Regulation 3380)

Sale/Lease of Real Property

The Board of Education may vote to sell or lease real property, land, and/or buildings which are no longer needed by the District and which are located within the boundaries of the District.  Similarly, the Board may vote to sell such real property located outside of the District's boundaries.



Sale/Lease of Personal Property

Whenever the District has personal property (i.e., desks, file cabinets, materials, equipment) which the District no longer needs, a majority of the Board may vote to sell or lease such surplus property.  Surplus personal property may be sold or leased to a city, state agency, municipal corporation, or other governmental subdivision of the state which is located within the boundaries of the District for public purposes at a mutually agreed price and upon notice to the public.  In the alternative, the District may sell or lease such surplus personal property to the highest bidder.  Public notice of the sale or auction of surplus personal property will be published once a week for two consecutive weeks in a general circulation newspaper published within the county in which the District is located.  The sale itself will occur as scheduled by the Board at least seven (7) days after the final published notice. The proceeds from the sale or lease of surplus personal property will be placed in the capital projects fund.


Accounting and Reporting

Accounting System

The District will adhere to the accounting guidelines of the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.


Accounting and Reporting

Annual Financial Report

The District annually publishes a statement of all receipts of school moneys, when and from what source derived, and all expenditures and the account from which expenditures were made.  This statement will also include the present indebtedness and the nature of such indebtedness as well as the rate of taxation for all purposes for the year.  Such statement will be attested by the president and secretary of the Board and forwarded to the State Board of Education.  This financial statement will be published on or by September 1, in a newspaper located within the District or generally circulated within the District.

Accounting and Reporting

Authorized Signatures

The Board president and treasurer shall sign all checks issued by the District. According to state statutes, if approved by the Board of Education, facsimile signatures may be printed on District checks.
          (Regulation 3440)
Accounting and Reporting

Travel and Reimbursement

It is the policy of the Board to pay reasonable travel expenses for those who travel on District business and whose trip has been approved in advance by the Superintendent/designee. These expenses include registration, transportation, meals, lodging, tolls, and parking charges. Expenses are reimbursed only when properly accounted for by an individual and approved by the Superintendent/designee.
          (Regulation 3450)
Accounting and Reporting

Sales Tax

Pursuant to Chapter 144, R.S.Mo., school districts are exempt from Missouri sales and use tax on purchases. All sellers or vendors shall be furnished a copy of the official State of Missouri Tax Exemption Letter by the Finance Office at the time a purchase order is delivered.

Administrators, teachers, or other school staff who have been authorized to make purchases for the District from local retail dealers will provide a copy of the tax-exempt letter to such dealer at time of purchase.

District representatives are prohibited from using the District tax-exempt letter for purchase of articles for personal use.


Accounting Reporting

Student Attendance Accounting

An accurate accounting of student attendance, transportation and food service records shall be kept by the School District. The records will be in accordance with state law and appropriate regulations of the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Building principals/supervisors will be responsible for maintaining student attendance accounting, and for submitting monthly reports of such records to the Superintendent, who will in turn be responsible for preparing reports to be submitted to the appropriate state offices.


Annual Audit

The books and accounts of the District will be audited by an independent certified public accountant in conformance with the prescribed standards and legal requirements. The Superintendent shall place before the Board the matter of the retaining of a certified public accountant. The auditor shall be selected by the Board. The audit shall be presented to the Board for examination.

The Superintendent will be responsible for filing copies of the audit with the proper authorities as prescribed by law.

School Activities Funds


School activity funds are used to finance a program of student activities which supplement but do not take the place of the instructional programs provided by the Board of Education. Whether funds are collected from student contributions, club dues, special activities, or result from admissions to events or from other fund-raising activities, all funds will be under the jurisdiction of the Superintendent and building principals. The funds will be expended to benefit students currently enrolled in school. The management of the funds will be in accordance with good business practices, including sound budgetary and accounting procedures, and will be audited in the same manner as District funds. There shall be full disclosure of the sources and expenditures of all funds.



Insurance Programs

The Board of Education shall maintain adequate insurance programs to cover property, liability and personnel, within the requirements of good risk management and state law. The administration will recommend to the Board the kind and amount of property, casualty and/or liability insurance needed for the protection of the District property, employees, and Board of Education, and will administer insurance authorized by the Board, unless otherwise directed.

Every effort shall be made to obtain insurance at the most economical cost consistent with required service by obtaining quotations or by negotiations, whichever method is advantageous to the District.

The District will maintain coverage on all buildings and capital outlay contents. Coverage should be 100% without coinsurance if available.

Liability coverage should include comprehensive general liability, employee benefits liability, vehicular liability and school board legal liability. (See also Policy 3730 - Liability Insurance.)



Liability Insurance

The Board recognizes that legal actions may be initiated from time to time against the School District as a corporate entity, against the Board as a whole, against Board members as individuals, or against District officers, employees or other agents. The Board also recognizes the contribution that is rendered to the students of the District by volunteers and is mindful that legal actions may be initiated against these individuals as well.

To protect members of the Board, District officers, employees, other agents and volunteers in the performance of their duties and responsibilities, the Board will defend its Board members, officers, employees, other agents and volunteers against claims for suits arising out of the performance of their duties and responsibilities. The Board shall indemnify its Board members, officers, employees, other agents and volunteers against all financial liability or loss resulting from such claims or suits including judgments for damages, attorney's fees, fines, court costs and amounts paid in settlement of such matters and reasonable and customary ancillary costs. Ancillary costs may include, for example, travel expenses incurred by Board members or others if they must appear for a case that is being tried outside the area.

The protection provided by this policy shall apply on an occurrence basis, which means that an individual will be indemnified even though he/she is no longer a member of the Board of Education or employed by or otherwise associated with the District when the lawsuit is filed.

The Board reserves the right, however, to deny representation and indemnification to any person covered by their Board policy in any instance in which there would be no coverage under the District applicable liability insurance program in which the claim "results in civil judgment or criminal conviction for" an intentional tort, immoral conduct, violation of any criminal or civil statute or violation of Board policy or regulations or administrative order or directive, whether verbal or written.

As a prerequisite to the right of legal representation and indemnification, any person who is served with legal notice commencing any action or proceeding against him/her for which indemnification is sought is required to immediately notify the Superintendent of the legal action after receipt of such legal notice.

The District shall maintain a program of self-insurance and/or insurance coverage sufficient to provide the legal defense and indemnification described in this policy.  However, the District’s purchase of liability insurance does not waive the District’s entitlement to sovereign immunity.



Bond For All Employees

All employees of the School District shall be covered by a blanket bond in an amount to be determined by the Board of Education with premiums to be paid by the Board.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4110


Equal Opportunity Employment

The Board of Education of the School District is an equal opportunity employer. The Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in all areas of recruitment, selection, placement, training, assignment, transfer, compensation, benefits, discipline, retention, and promotion. The Board commits itself to the policy that there shall be no unlawful discrimination against any person because of race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin or disability. All decisions with regard to employment shall be in compliance with applicable state and federal laws.

The Board is required by the Immigration Reform and Control Act to employ only American citizens and aliens who are authorized to work in the United States.  The purpose of this law is to preserve jobs for those individuals who are legally entitled to them
PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4120
          (Regulation 4120)
Employment         (Form 4120)

Employment Procedures

The Board of Education, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, votes on the employment of all staff members.  In approving applicants the Board will be guided by the desire to obtain individuals committed to providing the highest quality education for the District's students.  For Title I staff qualifications and hiring, refer to Policy and Regulation 1621 – Title I.

No person will be employed by the Board until the District obtains a clear criminal records check and a clear check of the Child Abuse/Neglect Registry maintained by the Missouri Department of Social Services.  The administration may also conduct random background checks after employment.

As part of the criminal records check, any person employed after January 1, 2005, shall submit two sets of fingerprints to be used by the Missouri Highway Patrol and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.  The fingerprints shall be collected pursuant to standards determined by the Missouri Highway Patrol.

All vacancies should be posted for a minimum of ten (10) school days before the Superintendent may recommend a qualified applicant to the Board for employment.  In an emergency situation the Superintendent may temporarily employ an applicant prior to the expiration of the posting.  The temporary applicant may be considered along with other applicants for the position after the ten days.  However, in order to hire a Board member's spouse, the position must have been advertised.  (Refer to Policy 0342 – Nepotism, Conflict of Interest and Financial Disclosure.)

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4130
          (Regulation 4130)
Employment         (Form 4130)

Certificated Staff Contracts

Employment contracts will be in writing and will be signed by the employee, the Board president and the Board secretary. Contracts will include the amount of annual compensation and the days of service.

Certificated staff members under contract include probationary teachers, permanent teachers and administrative staff. The probationary period allows a teacher to demonstrate, and the District to assess the teacher's competence. Beginning after the initial one (1) year contract, teachers who have demonstrated their competence through performance may be offered additional contracts.

The Board may elect to employ certain certificated individuals on a part-time basis, as needed.  Part-time certificated employees will be contracted on a class-by-class basis, not as a percentage of full-time employment.  Part-time employees will not be provided the benefits provided to full-time employees.  In addition, part-time certificated employees who do not teach at last four hours per day will not be eligible for pension benefits.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4131
          (Form 4131)

Extra Duty and Extended Duty Contracts

Certificated employees may be contracted to provide sponsorship and coaching duties as recommended by the Superintendent and approved by the Board.  Compensation for such positions will be provided in accordance with a Board approved extra duty salary schedule.

Certificated employees may be contracted for additional days beyond the regular contract period. Compensation for such extended duty will be calculated on the existing salary schedule. The Board may establish a separate salary schedule for summer school assignments.

Assignment to extra duty, extended duty and summer school is for one (1) year only and may be renewed or eliminated annually upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and at the discretion of the Board.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4140


Certificated Personnel Reemployment

The reemployment of teachers shall be considered not later than the regular March meeting of the Board. All employees shall be recommended by the Superintendent and the appropriate principal.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4150


Substitute Teacher Employment

The Board of Education will employ qualified substitutes for all employee groups. The Superintendent/designee will prepare and submit to the Board a procedure for reporting absences, assigning substitutes and developing a substitute compensation plan.

Substitute teachers shall meet all requirements as established by the State Board of Education. Rate of compensation shall be according to the annual school budget approved by the Board of Education.

Records shall be kept by the Superintendent concerning number of days taught by substitutes and the amount of funds expended. The Board shall be informed concerning this data at periodic
PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4210

Personnel Assignment and Transfer

Transfer Request

Staff accepting employment with the District agree to accept the building assignment of the Superintendent of Schools.  Staff will not be assigned where they would be under the direct supervision of a member of the employee's immediate family (father, mother, son, daughter, sister, brother, or spouse).

Staff transfers may be initiated by administrative directive or by staff request.  In order to facilitate awareness of opportunities, the Superintendent/designee will post vacancies on bulletin boards in each school.  The decision concerning filling of the vacancy or new positions by transfer will be made by the Superintendent in consultation with the building principals affected.

An employee who desires a change in grade and/or subject assignment and/or a transfer to another building shall request the transfer on the prescribed form which will be available in the Personnel Office.

An employee must accept the transfer requested unless he/she has notified the administration in writing of a desire to withdraw the request and said notification is received by the principal and Superintendent/designee before the date on which notification of transfer is sent to the teacher.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4220
          (Regulation 4220)
Personnel Assignment and Transfer

Certificated Staff Duties, Schedules and Working Hours

The school year will be set annually by the Board of Education. The start date, end date, and number of contracted days will be contained in staff contracts. The length of the teaching day will also be set by the Board.

Certificated staff are required to be on duty during the teaching day. In addition to the teaching day, certificated staff are required to attend scheduled staff meetings, parent conference days, IEP meetings, and other meetings as may be determined by the administration and Board of Education.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4221
          (Regulation 4221)
Personnel Assignment and Transfer     (Form 4221)

Support Staff Duties, Schedules and Working Hours

The school year and work calendars will be set annually by the Board of Education. Work hours may be changed by the administration as needed.

Regular attendance is essential in order to maintain a high quality of instruction. Support staff employees, with reasonable notice, will be subject to disciplinary action when their absenteeism is deemed to be excessive.

Overtime/Compensatory Time

Employees who work overtime must receive prior authorization from their immediate supervisors.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4310

Absences, Leave and Vacation

General Attendance

Regular attendance is essential in providing District students with a high quality of instruction. Eligible certificated staff will have available ________ days of sick leave per school year cumulative to  days. Eligible support employees have available ________ days of sick leave per year cumulative to ________ days.

When employees are absent more than ________ days in any semester or more than ________ days per school year, their absence is considered excessive. The Superintendent/designee will review each incident of excessive absence and may require the employee to provide medical documentation or may consider disciplinary actions up to and including termination.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4320
          (Regulation 4320)
Absences, Leave and Vacation

Personnel Leave

The Board of Education shall adopt regulations for the following types of leave for District

1. Sick  Leave

2. Personal Leave

3. Bereavement Leave

4. Leave for Jury Duty

5. Military Leave

6. Leave of Absence

7. Family and Medical Care Leave  (See Policy and Regulation 4321.)

Specific provisions of the various types of District leave described in Regulation 4320.
PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4321
          (Regulation 4321)
Absences, Leave and Vacation      (Form 4321)

Family and Medical Leave

The Board of Education recognizes that leaves of absence are occasionally necessary due to family or medical reasons.  The District has adopted detailed procedures to ensure compliance with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA).  As provided by District regulations, eligible employees are entitled to use up to twelve (12) workweeks of unpaid leave for family and medical reasons.  The Board of Education has designated a District administrator to act as FMLA Compliance Officer.  As part of its compliance program, the District will notify each employee of the name, address and telephone number of the District's FMLA Compliance Officer and will provide a statement of commitment to adhere to FMLA regulations.  The FMLA Compliance Officer will regularly evaluate the District's FMLA compliance to ensure fair and equitable opportunities for all eligible employees.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4330

Absences, Leave and Vacation

Holidays and Vacation

The Board will annually adopt a calendar that will provide for the following holidays:







Staff members will not receive additional compensation for holidays unless they are required to work on such holidays.

Administrators employed on a twelve (12) month contract shall have vacation as provided in their individual contracts. Vacation shall be scheduled in compliance with the Superintendent's guidelines and is subject to Superintendent approval.
PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4505


Salary Schedules

The Superintendent, with input from staff members, will prepare salary schedules annually for all non-administrative employee groups.  These schedules will be submitted to the Board of Education for approval.  (See also Policy 4131 - Extra Duty and Extended Duty Contracts.)  Salary recommendations for all administrators will be prepared and submitted to the Board annually.  Administrative salaries will be based upon a variety of factors including, educational preparation, years of service within the District, and within public education, years of service as an administrator at each administrative level, years of service within the District, regional comparisons to similar districts, number of contracted days, administrative responsibilities, and salaries of other District administrators within category – building and central office.  Consideration will be given to administrators’ previous salary for all newly hired administrators.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4510



The Board of Education provides fringe benefits to full-time staff members. The extent and nature of fringe benefits provided may vary by employee group and work schedule.

Insurance coverage for staff members includes:

1. Liability Insurance

2. Workers' Compensation Insurance

3. Unemployment Compensation Insurance

4. Medicare Coverage

5. Medical Insurance
PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4520


Salary Deductions

Withholding Taxes

A Federal withholding tax is retained for the Collector of Internal Revenue as payment on Federal Income Tax for the current year. The amount withheld is determined by salary and the number of dependents. No salary check will be issued until all withholding forms are submitted.

A State withholding tax is retained for the Missouri Department of Revenue. The amount withheld is determined in the same manner as the Federal Income Tax. Employees may authorize additional sums to be withheld by notifying the payroll department in writing and completing a new W-4 form indicating the additional amount to be withheld each pay period. No salary checks will be issued until all withholding forms are submitted.

Public School Retirement System (PSRS) of Missouri

All full-time teachers and part-time teachers who work seventeen (17) hours or more per week are members of PSRS.  Support employees with a teaching certificate are also eligible for membership in PSRS.

Public Education Employees Retirement System (PEERS)

All support employees who work twenty (20) hours or more per week on a regular basis for thirty (30) calendar days are members of PEERS and are also covered by Social Security.


Medical insurance payments will be deducted for all employees on a twelve (12) month prorated basis each month.

Credit Union and Tax Sheltered Plan

Credit Union and Tax Sheltered Plans will be deducted under the terms of the respective contracts.

Tax Sheltered Annuities

The School District provides for payroll deduction and processing for employees participating in tax-sheltered annuities.
Additional Deductions

Any staff member may authorize additional voluntary deductions for payment of tax-sheltered annuities, dues to professional organizations, credit union, and dependent coverage for medical benefits.
PERSONNEL SERVICES        Policy 4525


Payment of Salary

All certificated employees who are employed in certificated positions will be paid in equal amounts paid over the twelve months of the school year.


PERSONNEL SERVICES        Policy 4525


Payment of Salary

All certificated employees who are employed in certificated positions will be paid their full salary earned prior to each payday.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4530


Workers' Compensation Benefits

Employees who suffer an injury caused by an accident or occupational disease arising out of and in the course of employment ("work-related injury") will receive benefits paid by the District according to the Workers' Compensation Law of the State of Missouri ("the Law").  Employees driving District owned or subsidized vehicles are not covered by this policy when driving such District owned vehicles to or from the home or to or from the work station.  Absence from duty resulting from a work-related injury will be compensated according to the Law.  Employees who receive workers' compensation benefits for lost time from work due to a work-related injury are not eligible for additional sick leave or vacation benefits under this policy, except with respect to those employees whose average weekly wage as defined by the Law ("average weekly wage") exceeds the actual wage necessary to obtain the maximum total disability rate as defined by the Law ("maximum wage").

In addition to the benefits for temporary total disability allowed under the Law, an employee whose average weekly wage at the time of the work-related injury exceeds the maximum wage at the time of the work-related injury will receive in wages the difference between the employee's average weekly wage and the maximum wage during the time period such employee is entitled to temporary total disability benefits under the Law.  This additional benefit provided herein does not affect an employee's wage rate for purposes of permanent disability benefits.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4540
          (Regulation 4540)

Group Insurance Benefits

The Board of Education directs that medical group insurance coverage for staff members will be provided. The Superintendent/designee will solicit proposals and make recommendations to the Board of Education for approval of the insurance provider.

Employees shall be given information regarding COBRA benefits at the times of employment and separation.

The contract for medical insurance will be submitted for competitive bidding at least once every three (3) years.

For purposes of this policy competitive bidding means public notice of the request for medical insurance bids and the provision of information about district participants, claims history, and the details of the District’s existing health insurance policy and proposed modifications.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4550


Retirement Compensation

Retirement provisions for all eligible employees will be in accordance with the provisions of the Missouri Public School Retirement System (PSRS) and the Public Education Employees Retirement System (PEERS).

Full-time certificated staff employed after April 15, 1986, are subject to the Medicare portion of Social Security.

At the time of initial employment an employee shall be given his/her first COBRA notification.  Second notification and continuation of benefits are contingent upon the employee notifying the District of a qualifying event.

Any plan of group health insurance shall include a provision allowing persons who retire, or who have retired, to become members of the plan if they are eligible to receive benefits under the Retirement System, by paying premiums at the same rate as other members of the group.

Employees who retire or who have retired and who are eligible for retirement benefits from either the PSRS or PEERS Plans are eligible to participate in District health benefit programs.  In addition, the spouse and/or unmarried dependent children of any employee may also participate in District health benefit programs provided that these family members are receiving or are eligible to receive retirement benefits from either the PSRS or PEERS Systems.  The retiree must apply for insurance coverage within the first year he/she is eligible to receive retirement benefits.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4610
          (Form 4610)
Performance Evaluation

Certificated Personnel Performance Evaluation

The Board of Education's ultimate goal in education is to provide the highest quality educational experience to all District students.  The District's performance-based evaluation system contributes to that goal by promoting the professional improvement of each staff member and, when necessary, by providing data to remove an employee whose employment is detrimental to students.

Performance-based evaluation is a process endorsed by the Board of Education for performance improvement that includes identification of performance expectations, documentation of performance, discussion of performance, development of improvement plans, and making personnel decisions based upon performance.  The evaluation process for every employee is an on-going process that takes place every day.  Formal, summative evaluations will be prepared and reviewed with each tenured teacher at least every other year.  All other District employees will receive summative evaluations annually.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4620
          (Form 4620)
Performance Evaluation

Support Staff

The development of a competent support staff is a major objective of the performance evaluation. All supervisors and/or principals will complete an annual written evaluation on all support staff under their supervision.  The following areas will be evaluated:

1. Job knowledge
2. Quality of  work
3. Quantity of work
4. Dependability
5. Cooperation
6. Attendance
7. Punctuality
8. Other areas as appropriate for the specific job

This evaluation will be used to improve job proficiency and to determine eligibility for reemployment.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4620
          (Form 4620)
Performance Evaluation

Support Staff

The development of a competent support staff is a major objective of the performance evaluation. All supervisors and/or principals will complete an annual written evaluation on all support staff under their supervision.  The following areas will be evaluated:

1. Job knowledge
2. Quality of  work
3. Quantity of work
4. Dependability
5. Cooperation
6. Attendance
7. Punctuality
8. Other areas as appropriate for the specific job

This evaluation will be used to improve job proficiency and to determine eligibility for reemployment.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4630
Performance Evaluation

Staff Conduct

The Board of Educations requires all staff members to serve as positive role models for District students.  District schools exist to provide quality, cognitive, and affective education for District students.  In achieving these objectives, staff are required to meet certain performance criteria including, but not limited to:

1. Properly prepare for student instruction.

2. Fully utilize instructional time for learning activities.

3. Maintain students under active supervision at all times.

4. Assess student performance in a regular and accurate manner.

5. Modify instructional goals to meet the needs of each student.

6. Comply with administrative directives.

7. Motivate students to achieve learning objectives.

8. Communicate with students in a professional and respectful manner.

9. Maintain relationships with students in a professional teacher-student model.

10. Review and comply with Board policies, regulations, and procedures as well as related building rules and practices.

11. Properly operate and maintain district property.

12. Utilize district technology solely for school district business.

13. Maintain required records and submit requested reports in a timely manner.

14. Comply with all safety guidelines and directives.

15. Refrain from the use of profane and obscene language.

16. Dress in a professional manner.

17. Attend to all duties in a punctual manner.
PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4710


Resignation: Certificated Staff

Certificated employees who for any reason intend to retire or resign at the end of the current school year are encouraged to indicate their plans in writing to the Board as early as possible, but no later than June 1.

Resignations to become effective during the school year require a release by the Board and must be considered on an individual basis.  Letters of resignation shall be submitted to the Superintendent/designee and the principal/supervisor.  The letter should state reasons and an effective date for the resignation.

It is the practice of the administration to recommend to the Board those certificated employees who request to resign after June 1 and prior to July 31 be released from their contracts when there is good cause determined by the Board.  After July 31, a certificated employee may petition the Superintendent to recommend a release from his/her contract for extremely unusual reasons.  Should the Superintendent decline to recommend a release and the certificated employee leaves the District, the District reserves the right to pursue any and all legal options available to it.
PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4711


Resignation: Support Staff

Support staff who wish to resign should address a letter of resignation to the Superintendent with copies to the personnel administrator and the principal/supervisor. The letter should state reasons and an effective date for the resignation.

Fourteen (14) days written notice is the minimum amount of time for resignation by a support staff member.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4720


Suspension or Termination: Support Staff

Non-Contractual Employees

Individuals employed without a contract are subject to suspension and dismissal at any time.  The Superintendent is authorized to suspend such employees with pay subject to Board review.  In addition, the Superintendent may recommend the suspension without pay or termination of non-contractual employees to the Board of Education.

Contractual Employees

During the term of the employment contract, a support staff employee may be suspended with pay pending review of the Board.  Prior to suspension or termination, such support staff employees will be informed of the reason for discipline and will be given an opportunity to respond to those reasons. Upon request of the employee, a meeting with the Board of Education will be scheduled to review the recommendation for suspension or dismissal. Contractual employees, who are not offered a new contract, are not entitled to meet with the Board of Education.  However, in such situations, the employee may review the nonrenewal with the Superintendent/designee.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4730
          (Regulation 4730)
Separation         (Form 4730)

Nonrenewal/Termination: Probationary Teacher

Pursuant to section 168.126.2, RSMo. (Supp. 1992), the Board of Education may choose to non-renew a probationary teacher's contract for the coming school year or may choose to terminate a probationary teacher's employment during the term of a contract in accordance with procedures outlined in Regulation 4730.

The Board of Education may terminate a probationary teacher's contract during the term of a contract for statutory causes as follows:

1. Physical or mental condition that renders the teacher unfit to instruct or associate with children.

2. Immoral conduct.

3. Willful or persistent violation of, or failure to obey, the school laws of the state or the published regulations of the School District.

4. Excessive or unreasonable absence from the performance of duties.

5. Conviction of a felony or a crime involving moral turpitude.

6. Incompetence, inefficiency, or insubordination.

Prior to mid-contract termination of a probationary teacher for causes 1-6, the teacher will be provided with written charges and will be provided with an opportunity for a due process hearing before the Board of Education as set forth in Regulation 4730.  Prior to the mid-year termination for cause #6, the teacher will also be provided with a notice of deficiencies and probationary period as set forth in Regulation 4730.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4731
          (Regulation 4731)
Separation         (Form 4731)

Termination of Contract: Permanent Teacher

Pursuant to sections 168.114 and 168.124, RSMo. 1986, the Board of Education may terminate a permanent teacher's indefinite contract for one or more of the following causes:

1. Physical or mental condition that renders the teacher unfit to instruct or associate with children.

2. Immoral conduct.

3. Incompetency, inefficiency, or insubordination.

4. Willful or persistent violation of, or failure to obey, the school laws of the state or the published regulations of the School District.

5. Excessive or unreasonable absence from the performance of duties.

6. Conviction of a felony or a crime involving moral turpitude.

The indefinite contract of a permanent teacher may be terminated for the foregoing reasons only in accordance with the procedures prescribed by sections 168.116, 168.118, and 168.120, RSMo. 1986.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4732
          (Regulation 4732)

Termination of Employment: Administrators

The terms and conditions of the Superintendent's employment are governed by the employment contract between the Board of Education and the Superintendent.  Employment and termination of the Superintendent are provided for in Policies 1720 and 1722.  The employment of all other certificated teachers who are employed as administrators and who are not eligible for permanent status as a teacher are provided for in this policy.

Such district administrators are not eligible for permanent status in their administrative position.  However, as provided by law, administrators may be entitled to permanent status as a teacher should their administrative employment be voluntarily or involuntarily terminated.  All such administrators may be assigned to other administrative positions or teaching positions as provided in the regulations enacted under this policy.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4740
          (Regulation 4740)

Reduction in Force: Certificated Staff

If it becomes necessary to reduce the number of teachers due to a decrease in enrollment, District reorganization or the financial condition of the District, the Board will act to retain the most qualified teachers while following all applicable statutory guidelines.

The Board may place a permanent teacher upon unrequested leave of absence without pay when the Board determines that such action is necessary because of a decrease in pupil enrollment, District reorganization or the financial condition of the District. In placing such a teacher on leave, the Board will be governed by the provisions of the Teacher Tenure Law and District policies and regulations.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4741
          (Regulation 4741)

Reduction in Force: Support Staff

The Board of Education is authorized to reduce the number of support staff when in the Board's sole discretion factors including, but not limited to, decreases in student enrollment, District reorganization or financial reasons necessitate such reduction. In making such staff reductions, the Board will seek to retain those staff members best able to serve the needs of District's students.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4810
          (Regulation 4810)
Staff Welfare         (Form 4810)

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment constitutes unlawful sex discrimination. It is the policy of the Board of Education to maintain a learning and working environment that is free from sexual harassment.

It shall be a violation for any employee of the School District to harass another staff member or student through conduct or communication of a sexual nature. It shall also be a violation of this policy for students to harass other students through conduct or comments of a sexual nature. Furthermore, it shall be a violation of this policy for any person who is not an employee or student of the District to harass a staff member or student of the District through conduct or comments of a sexual nature while such employee is engaged in the performance of duties for the District or while such student is under District supervision.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4820
          (Regulation 4820)
Staff Welfare

Employees with Communicable Diseases

An employee may be excluded from work if the employee (1) has, or has been exposed to, an acute (short duration) or chronic (long duration) contagious or infectious disease, and (2) is likely to transmit the contagious or infectious disease, unless the Board of Education or its designee has determined, based upon medical evidence, that the employee:

1. No longer has the disease.

2. Is not in the contagious or infectious stage of an acute disease.

3. Has a chronic infectious disease that poses little risk of transmission in the school environment with reasonable precautions.

School officials may require an employee suspected of having a contagious or infectious disease to be examined by a physician and may exclude the employee from work, in accordance with the procedures authorized by this policy, so long as there is a substantial risk of transmission of the disease in the school environment.

Employees with acute or chronic contagious or infectious diseases have a right to privacy and confidentiality.  Only staff members who have a medical reason to know the identity and condition of such employees will be informed.  Willful or negligent disclosure of confidential information about an employee's medical condition by staff members will be cause for disciplinary action.

The District will implement reporting and disease outbreak control measures in accordance with the provisions of Missouri Department of Health publication PACH-16, "Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases:  A Guide for School Administrators, Nurses, Teachers and Day Care Operators,"  a copy of which shall be on file in the office of the Supervisor of Health Services and in the office of each school nurse.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4830
          (Regulation 4830)
Staff Welfare

Board/Staff Communications

While the primary line of communication between the staff and the Board of Education remains through the Superintendent, the Board expresses a desire to maintain open communication with the certificated and support staff. Open communication between Board and staff facilitates continuing improvement of education and the proper disposition of personnel matters that may arise.
PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4831

Staff Welfare

Staff Involvement in Decision Making

The Board of Education encourages the staff to provide input and participate in the development and implementation of District programs.  However, the final decision on all policy matters will be made by the Board of Education.

Staff Welfare                    (Version A)

Staff Involvement in Decision Making

 The Board of Education encourages employees to offer suggested improvements in the working conditions of District employees.  Employee groups may propose suggested policies, rules and procedures regarding salaries or other conditions of employment.  The Board of Education, through its representatives, will meet and confer with appropriate employee representatives to discuss such proposals.  The Board shall retain all powers, duties and rights provided to it established by constitutional provisions, statutes, state regulations, and board of education policies without limitation.  The Board specifically retains the right to refuse any and all proposals submitted by employee groups.
Certified Representatives of Employees – Representatives of the Board will meet and confer with the employees’ exclusive bargaining representative certified by the Missouri State Board of Mediation.

Uncertified Representatives of Employees - If a group of employees is not represented by a certified bargaining representative, the District may recognize an appropriate representative or representatives for that group of employees if the organization seeking representative status can affirmatively demonstrate through a verified petition that it has support of at least thirty (30) percent of the employees in the unit claimed to be appropriate.   Professional employees may not be represented by the same bargaining representative as nonprofessional employees unless a majority of the professional employees vote for such representation.

Representatives of the Board – The Board of Education’s bargaining representative or representatives shall be the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee or designees.

Meet and Confer Process

(1) The bargaining representative of the employee group must present its proposals relative to salaries, benefits and other conditions of employment to the Board’s representative in writing.  The representatives of the Board may also submit proposals for discussion.
(2) The Board’s bargaining representative will then meet, confer and discuss such proposals with the bargaining representative.

(3) Upon completion of the discussions, the Board’s representative will reduce the results of the discussion to writing and present the results of the discussion to the Board of Education in the form of a resolution for adoption, modification or rejection by the Board.   The Board’s representative shall have the power to determine when the discussions are completed.

(4) If the employee organization objects to the resolution prepared by the Board’s representative, it may propose an alternative resolution in writing to the Board for adoption, modification or rejection by the Board.

(5) Any resolution resulting from discussions with an employee group that is adopted by the Board of Education shall be adopted as a Board of Education policy and not as a separate agreement and shall expressly state that the Board reserves the right to unilaterally change the policy.

No Discrimination on Basis of Organizational Activity

 Employees shall have the right to form and join labor organizations and to present proposals regarding salaries or other conditions of employment through a representative of their own choosing.  No such employee shall be discharged or discriminated against because of his or her exercise of such right, nor shall any person or group of persons, directly or indirectly, by intimidation or coercion, compel or attempt to compel any such employee to join or refrain from joining a labor organization.
Staff Welfare (Version B)

Staff Involvement in Decision Making

 The Board of Education encourages employees to offer suggested improvements in the working conditions of District employees.  Employee groups may propose suggested policies, rules and procedures regarding salaries or other conditions of employment.  The Board of Education, through its representatives, will meet and confer with appropriate employee representatives to discuss such proposals.  The Board shall retain all powers, duties and rights provided to it established by constitutional provisions, statutes, state regulations, and board of education policies without limitation.  The Board specifically retains the right to refuse any and all proposals submitted by employee groups.
Certified Representatives of Employees – Representatives of the Board will meet and confer with the employees’ bargaining representative(s) certified by the Missouri State Board of Mediation.

Uncertified Representatives of Employees - If a group of employees is not represented by a certified bargaining representative, the District may recognize an appropriate representative or representatives for that group of employees if the organization seeking representative status can affirmatively demonstrate through a verified petition that it has support of at least thirty (30) percent of the employees in the unit claimed to be appropriate.   If an employee group is represented by more than one association having more than 30% group membership, the Board may permit proportional representation at meet and confer meetings.  Professional employees may not be represented by the same bargaining representative as nonprofessional employees unless a majority of the professional employees vote for such representation.

Representatives of the Board – The Board of Education’s bargaining representative or representatives shall be the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee or designees.

Meet and Confer Process

(1)The bargaining representative of the employee group must present its proposals relative to salaries, benefits and other conditions of employment to the Board’s representative in writing.  The representatives of the Board may also submit proposals for discussion.
(2)The Board’s bargaining representative will then meet, confer and discuss such proposals with the bargaining representative.

(3)Upon completion of the discussions, the Board’s representative will reduce the results of the discussion to writing and present the results of the discussion to the Board of Education in the form of a resolution for adoption, modification or rejection by the Board.   The Board’s representative shall have the power to determine when the discussions are completed.

(4)If the employee organization objects to the resolution prepared by the Board’s representative, it may propose an alternative resolution in writing to the Board for adoption, modification or rejection by the Board.

(5)Any resolution resulting from discussions with an employee group that is adopted by the Board of Education shall be adopted as a Board of Education policy and not as a separate agreement and shall expressly state that the Board reserves the right to unilaterally change the policy.

No Discrimination on Basis of Organizational Activity

 Employees shall have the right to form and join labor organizations and to present proposals regarding salaries or other conditions of employment through a representative of their own choosing.  No such employee shall be discharged or discriminated against because of his or her exercise of such right, nor shall any person or group of persons, directly or indirectly, by intimidation or coercion, compel or attempt to compel any such employee to join or refrain from joining a labor organization.

* Adoption of this policy that does not provide for “exclusive representation” may lead to litigation by the MNEA.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4840
          (Regulation 4840)
Staff Welfare

Conflict of Interest

District employees are prohibited from engaging in any activity that would conflict, or raise a reasonable question of conflict, with their responsibilities in the District.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4850
          (Regulation 4850)
Staff Welfare

Staff Dispute Resolution

The Board of Education recognizes that in any workplace misunderstandings and disputes arise. If left unresolved, these disputes could undermine staff morale and can interfere with the educational mission of the District. The Board has adopted a formal process for dispute resolution that encourages specified employees to resolve concerns quickly and at the most immediate administrative level. This policy does not limit the right of any employee to file grievances under Policy and Regulation 4810 - Sexual Harassment, or Policy and Regulation 1310 - Civil Rights, Title IX, Section 504.\

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4860

Staff Welfare

Personnel Records

Personnel files on all employees will be maintained in the District's administrative offices. It is the intent of the Board of Education to maintain complete and current personnel files, including all information necessary to comply with the Fair Labor Standards Act, for all District employees.

The District will maintain the following information in personnel files: applications, certification documents, performance evaluations, current transcripts, employment contracts and performance related documents. Medical records, including health insurance records, will be maintained separately. Files containing immigration records will be kept separate from personnel files.

The personnel file(s) of an individual employee will be considered confidential to the extent allowed by law. Access to personnel files will be on a strict need-to-know basis by appropriate District administrators, legal counsel, or state agencies with authority.

Upon request to and in the presence of the appropriate administrative official, any employee will have the right during regular working hours to inspect his/her own personnel file, with the exception of the ratings, reports and records obtained prior to the employment of the individual, including confidential placement papers.

Information of a critical nature will not be entered or filed in the employee's personnel folder until the employee is given notice, as well as an opportunity to review the information and comment thereon. The employee will have the right to append a reply to the statement, which will also be included in the folder.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4870

Staff Welfare

Drug Free Workplace

The unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol on school premises or as a part of school activities is strictly prohibited.

Employees under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or controlled substances while on duty are a serious risk to themselves, to students and to other employees. Employees who display physical manifestations of drug or alcohol use while on duty, may be subject to drug testing.  Any employee who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination and referral for prosecution. Employees may also be required to satisfactorily participate in rehabilitation programs.

As a condition of employment, all employees must abide by the terms of this policy.  Employees who are convicted of a drug offense which occurred on school premises or while on duty must notify the Superintendent of their conviction.  Notification must be made by the employee to the Superintendent within five (5) days of the conviction. Within ten (10) days, the Superintendent will provide notice of such violation to the Impact Aid Program, United States Department of Education, or other appropriate government agency.

The District will institute a drug-free awareness program to inform employees of:

1. The dangers of drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace.

2. This policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace.

3. Available counseling and rehabilitation.

4. The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace.

On the basis of medical certification, employees with the illness of chemical dependency shall qualify for the employee benefits and group insurance coverages that are provided for under group health and medical insurance policies. The confidential nature of the medical records of employees with chemical dependency shall be preserved in the same manner as for all other medical records.

The District's responsibility for chemical dependency is limited to its effects on the employee's job performance. If the employee violates this policy, refuses to accept diagnosis and treatment, or fails to respond to treatment, and performance is adversely affected, the employee will be subject to employment action in proportion to the performance problem. Implementation of
this policy will not require or result in any special regulations, privileges or exemptions from the standard administrative practice applicable to job performance requirements.

Upon the request of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education or an agency of the United States, the District shall certify that it has adopted and implemented the drug prevention program described in this policy, in the form required by such agency. The District shall conduct a biennial review of this policy to determine its effectiveness, implement necessary changes, and to ensure that the disciplinary sanctions are consistently enforced.

This policy shall be distributed in writing to all present and future employees.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4871
          (Regulation 4871)
Staff Welfare         (Form 4871)

Driver Drug Testing

The District recognizes that it shares the responsibility to prevent accidents and injuries resulting from the misuse of alcohol or the use of controlled substances by its employees who operate commercial motor vehicles.  The District complies with the provisions of the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991, which mandates that the District test its drivers who are required to hold commercial drivers licenses under specified conditions.   The District will regularly evaluate its policies and procedures to ensure that it remains in compliance with federal regulations.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4872
          (Form 4872)
Staff Welfare

Alcohol And Illicit Drugs

The District prohibits all employees from the possession, distribution, or presence under the influence of alcohol and non-prescribed controlled substances while on school premises.  This prohibition is exemplified by Policy 4870 Drug-Free Workplace and Policy/Regulation 4871 Driver Drug Testing.  Violation of this policy as well as Policies 4870 and 4871 will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.  In addition, such violation may result in substantially reduced or forfeiture of workers compensation benefits where the use of substances prohibited by this policy was in conjunction with or related to a work place injury.

Post Accident Drug / Alcohol Testing

Employees under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or controlled substances while on duty are a serious risk to themselves, to students, to other employees, and to District property. Where an employee holding a safety sensitive position is involved in an accident producing injury, the District will require the employee to submit to post injury alcohol/drug testing.

Post accident testing will be utilized after any accident

? involving the loss of life;

? resulting from a violation of Board Policy or Regulations, or municipal, state, or federal law;

? which results in an injury to a person who receives medical treatment;

? resulting in disabling damage to any motor vehicle or piece of District equipment;

? resulting from a violation of a safety regulation or safety directive.
Refusal to submit to post injury testing will result in disciplinary action up to, and including termination, and may result in forfeiture of Workers Compensation benefits for injuries related to the request for testing.

Employees holding a non-safety sensitive position will be subject to post accident drug testing where a District administrator has sufficient cause to suspect the employee’s use of alcohol or non-prescribed controlled substance producing accident, in conjunction with or related to a work place testing.  Such post accident testing will be utilized in the instance of the occurrence of any of the five instances set forth in this policy.

Safety Sensitive Positions:

The following list of positions are hereby classified as “safety sensitive” due to the serious risk of harm that can result from performing said job duties while impaired by drugs or alcohol; therefore, employees occupying such positions are subject to drug testing in accordance with published Board Policies and Regulations:

• Food service employees.
• Transportation employees.
• Custodial employees.
• Maintenance employees (HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing).
• Any district employee whose job duties involve the performance of supervising children, including, but not limited to teachers, teachers’ aides, lunchroom/playground monitors, etc.

PERSONNEL SERVICES       Policy 4880

Staff Welfare
Use of District Property

Employees may be provided access to and use of District property including, but not limited to, desks, file cabinets, closets, storage areas and computers for classroom use. These items remain the property of the District and are subject to inspection by District administrators.

SUPPORT SERVICES       Policy 5110
          (Regulation 5110)
Building and Grounds Management

Building and Grounds Maintenance and Inspection

The Board recognizes the tremendous investment in the District's facilities, buildings, grounds and equipment. It is acknowledged that normal deterioration from natural elements and ordinary use will occur. However, with proper care and attention the rate of deterioration can be reduced and repair and replacement costs held within reasonable limits. Therefore, the Board believes that a proper program of preventive maintenance is a requirement for efficient and economic building operation.

The District shall survey and assess the exposure of friable asbestos in all buildings. A written report shall be filed with appropriate state agencies, and will be available for public review in the Superintendent's office. The report shall be filed as required by law. The District shall take all steps necessary to comply with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act, as described in regulations of the Environmental Protection Agency.

SUPPORT SERVICES       Policy 5120

Building and Grounds Management

Maintenance of Facilities

A maintenance department shall be provided to perform general building maintenance tasks and a custodial department shall be provided to perform routine cleaning tasks.  The maintenance and custodial personnel shall be under the supervision of a maintenance/custodial supervisor; however, supervision shall also be provided by the building principal.

Capital outlay work for new and existing buildings shall normally be done through a general contractor.  District employees may be used when the use of a general contractor is not feasible.

SUPPORT SERVICES       Policy 5130
          (Regulation 5130)
Building and Grounds Management

Energy Conservation Measures

In the interest of sound control of District financial resources and in general ecological management, the Board of Education directs that the Administration develop procedures for utilities use that will best meet the need of conservative utilization of these resources.
SUPPORT SERVICES       Policy 5210
          (Regulation 5210)
Safety, Security and Communications

Hazardous Materials

The District will develop and implement written procedures for the purchase, use, storage and disposal of substances designated as hazardous by local, state and federal authorities.

SUPPORT SERVICES       Policy 5211

Safety, Security and Communications

Eye Protection

All students, teachers and visitors are required to wear industrial quality eye protective devices when participating in or observing the following activities in any class:

1. Exposure to molten materials.

2. Milling, sawing, turning, shaping, cutting, grinding or stamping of any solid materials.

3. Heat treatment, tempering or kiln firing of any materials.

4. Gas, electric arc or other forms of welding.

5. Repair or servicing of any vehicle.

6. Exposure to/or laboratory use of caustic or explosive materials, hot liquids or solids, injurious radiation, or other similar hazards.

Eye protective devices designed to provide protection for the hazards involved and to meet standards specified by state law will be provided by the School District. These devices may be issued to the students or provided at work stations for individual activities. If the devices are issued to the students, principals are authorized to charge students for loss, damage or failure to return any device issued.

SUPPORT SERVICES       Policy 5220

Safety, Security and Communications

School Bus Safety

Safe transportation of students shall be the paramount obligation of the transportation staff. All procedures and rules developed by the administration shall be governed by this requirement. State and local laws pertaining to the operation of buses and vehicles used to transport students will be observed by drivers, students and staff.

The Administration will develop regulations for students to be included in Policy and Regulation 2610 - Behavioral Expectations. These rules and regulations will be published annually in student handbooks to be distributed to students and parents/guardians. Students will receive instruction for the safe loading, riding, unloading and emergency evacuation procedures.

District officials will file criminal charges of trespass against any person who unlawfully enters a District school bus where entry is not approved by Board policy or where the individual does not have written approval of the Board of Education.

SUPPORT SERVICES       Policy 5230
          (Regulation 5230)
Safety, Security and Communications

Accident Reporting

In order that proper measures may be taken to avoid recurrence of accidents, written reports will be prepared on all accidents occurring on school premises or at a school-sponsored activity.

SUPPORT SERVICES       Policy 5240
          (Regulation 5240)
Safety, Security and Communications

Weather, Earthquake and Fire Emergencies

At the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, the principal will determine areas in each building which are best suited for the protection of students during civil defense emergencies, including adverse weather conditions.  School will not be dismissed in the case of a civil defense alert or tornado warning.

It shall also be the duty of the Superintendent of Schools to provide for fire inspections on an announced and unannounced basis in each building.  The Superintendent is responsible for remedying unsafe conditions reported by local fire marshals acting in their official capacities.

The principal will assume responsibility for preparing a fire drill and emergency exit plan for each building.  The plan will permit students to leave the building safely and quickly.  Fire drills will be held the first full week of school and quarterly thereafter.

The District may adopt emergency plans for the use of the District’s resources during natural disasters or other community emergencies.  These resources may include food assistance through the use of federal commodity foods, and the use of school buildings and buses.
SUPPORT SERVICES       Policy 5241

Safety, Security and Communications

Emergency School Closings

The Superintendent may order the delay of opening, early dismissal or the closing of schools due to inclement weather, hazardous road conditions or specific emergency situations which would make the operation of school impractical or hazardous to pupils.  Notification of such actions will be given over local radio and television stations. Unless individually approved by the Superintendent, after-school activities will be canceled on the day which school is closed or dismissed early due to weather or other emergency conditions.

Instructional time lost due to weather and other emergency conditions will be made up as required by the State and as approved by the Board of Education.

SUPPORT SERVICES       Policy 5250

Safety, Security and Communications

Use of Tobacco Products

The Board of Education recognizes that the use of tobacco products represents a health and safety hazard.  Therefore, the use of tobacco products shall be prohibited in all District buildings, grounds and vehicles.  This policy applies to all employees, students and patrons attending school-sponsored activities and meetings.

SUPPORT SERVICES       Policy 5260

Safety, Security and Communications

Safety Standards

The Board of Education directs the Superintendent to ensure that the administration and management of all District operations be in compliance with local laws and regulations pertaining to student and staff safety and state and federal laws and standards regarding occupational safety and health.  At various times District supervisors will issue specific safety standards and will provide ongoing directives, oral and written, to maximize employee and student safety.  Failure to comply with such safety directives will be considered serious misconduct and will result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.

SUPPORT SERVICES       Policy 5270

Safety, Security and Communications

Security of Buildings and Grounds

The administration will develop procedures to ensure that school facilities are safeguarded against criminal acts and negligent use.  All District employees are responsible for the care and proper use of School District property.  Maintenance personnel are responsible for the care, repair and annual maintenance of District equipment and facilities.  After school access to District facilities is limited to authorized individuals and groups.

SUPPORT SERVICES       Policy 5280

Safety, Security and Communications

Vandalism and Theft

The administration will take appropriate actions to punish individuals determined to have vandalized District property.  Such actions include, but are not limited to school disciplinary action, restitution and criminal and civil charges.

Incident reports are to be sent to the Superintendent/designee and the Custodial/Maintenance Manager by the building administrator no later than the day following an incident. A telephone call to the Superintendent is to be made on the day of discovery as soon as practical.

SUPPORT SERVICES       Policy 5310

Purchasing and Supply Management

Purchasing Furniture and Equipment

The Superintendent/designee shall develop a standardized furniture and equipment list for each type of facility in the School District. Furniture or equipment needed in addition to the standardized list requires specific approval of the Superintendent/designee prior to bidding or purchase.

Furniture and equipment shall be purchased in accordance with the policies governing bidding requirements and purchasing procedures of the Board of Education.

The Board may purchase apparatus, equipment and furnishings for its schools and operations by entering into lease/purchase agreements with vendors. Any agreement which may result in District ownership of the leased object must contain a provision which allows the District an option to terminate the agreement on at least an annual basis without penalty.  All expenditures related to lease/purchase agreements shall be considered expenditures for capital outlay and shall be paid pursuant to the provisions of section 165.011, RSMo., Budget and Current Financing.
SUPPORT SERVICES       Policy 5320

Purchasing and Supply Management

Preference for Missouri Products

Preference will be given to making District purchases to all commodities manufactured, mined, produced, or grown within the state and to all firms, corporations, or individuals doing business as Missouri firms, corporations, or individuals when quality and price are approximately the same.
SUPPORT SERVICES       Policy 5410

Inventory Management

Inventory Requirements

Annual Inventory

The Board shall require a physical count of all stock supply and equipment items at least once each year. This inventory total shall be recorded on the District's accounts.

This is done to provide:

1. Complete local property information for ready reference.

2. Information for insurance purposes.

3. Audit needs to determine capital worth.

4. Accountability of the physical property of the District.

The building principal is responsible for the inventory.  The person responsible for the room and its contents should take the inventory.

"Physical Property" for inventory purposes is defined as that property other than the building and built-in facilities such as bookcases, wall lockers and toilets. "Physical Property" includes such items as desks, chairs, typewriters, computers, audio-visual equipment, shop, home economics and physical education equipment even though attached to the building (i.e., stage curtains, auditorium seating, clocks and public address systems). "Physical Property" meets all the following criteria:

1. Retains its original shape and appearance with use.

2. Is nonexpendable (more feasible to repair than replace).

3. Represents an investment of money which makes it advisable to capitalize the item.

4. Does not lose its identity through incorporation into a different or more complex unit.

"Physical Property" does not include supplies, textbooks, reference books, material, chalk and erasers, picture frames, cutlery, glassware, etc. Supply items which are not included are those which meet one or more of the following conditions:

1. Consumable

2. Loses its original shape or appearance

3. Expendable (more feasible to replace than repair)

4. Inexpensive item with value less than __________.

SUPPORT SERVICES       Policy 5420

Inventory Management

Maintenance and Control of Instructional Materials

All School District instructional materials and equipment, including media materials and equipment, will be classified and catalogued. All textbooks purchased by the District are school property and will bear identification of School District ownership. Obsolete materials and worn out equipment will be replaced on a regular basis.

Textbooks will be made available to all students in sufficient quantity and at appropriate levels, enabling teachers to meet both the planned curriculum sequence and the special instructional needs of the students.

Principals are responsible for textbooks assigned to teachers, and for instituting an inventory of all books at the end of the school year. Each teacher shall keep an accurate record of books issued to students. Students will be held responsible for the proper care of all schoolbooks, supplies, apparatus and furniture supplied to them by the Board of Education. Any student who defaces or damages school property shall be required to pay for all damages. Any student who loses school property shall be required to pay for its replacement.

SUPPORT SERVICES       Policy 5440

Inventory Management

Equipment on Loan

School District equipment is not to be lent to individuals or groups outside the schools. Deviation from this policy requires permission from the Superintendent/designee.

SUPPORT SERVICES       Policy 5510

Food Service Program

Food Service Management

The Superintendent/designee will develop and implement procedures for operating a food services program. In addition, the Superintendent/designee will monitor the quality and efficiency of the District's food service program.

The District's food service program will comply with all state and federal regulations for food quality and financial reimbursement.

The Board may elect to contract with a food service management company to manage the District's food service program.

The duration of contracts with food service management companies will be limited to one (1) year with no more than four (4) annual renewals.

SUPPORT SERVICES       Policy 5520

Food Service Program

Uniform Policy for Free and Reduced-Price Meals

The District will participate in the national school lunch program.  Eligible students will be identified for participation in the free and reduced-price lunch program based upon federal and state guidelines.

Information concerning the eligibility standards will be distributed annually within the District.  The identification of student participants in the program will be confidential with such information disclosed to staff members on a strict need-to-know basis.

SUPPORT SERVICES       Policy 5530

Food Service Program

Competitive Food Sales

In order to comply with requirements of Part 210, National School Lunch Program, and Part 220, School Breakfast Program as amended, respecting the sale of food in competition with meals served under the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program, the sale of categories of foods of minimal nutritional value during the meal periods in the cafeteria is prohibited. The restricted categories of foods are identified as soda water (carbonated beverages), water ices, chewing gum and certain candies (hard candies, jellies and gums, marshmallow candies, fondants, licorice, spun candies and candy-coated popcorn).

SUPPORT SERVICES       Policy 5540
          (Regulation 5540)
Food Service Program

Food Safety

The purpose of the District’s food safety program is to ensure the delivery of safe foods to children in the school meals program by controlling hazards that may occur or be introduced into foods anywhere along the flow of food from receiving to service.

Serving safe food is a critical responsibility for school food service and is a key aspect of a healthy school environment.  Keeping foods safe is a vital part of healthy eating. When properly implemented, the District’s food safety program will help ensure the safety of school meals served to District students.

In order to carry out these goals and comply with federal law, the District’s Food Safety Program will include written plans for each school and will be consistent with Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles.

The District’s Food Safety Program will focus on three (3) key points.

1. Food preparation areas will be maintained in a clean and sanitary manner.  This includes ensuring that workers hands, utensils, and food contact areas are clean and sanitary so as to avoid cross contamination.

2. Temperature controls will be strictly adhered to.  Food will be cooked and served at the proper temperature.

3. Standard Operation Procedures should be developed to ensure sanitation; to ensure that food is maintained at the proper temperatures, and to facilitate other safety aspects of the food service program.
SUPPORT SERVICES       Policy 5610


School Bus Drivers

The safety and welfare of District students is of paramount importance to the Board of Education.  Accordingly, no person will operate a District school bus unless the person possesses a valid school bus permit and has complied with the regulations of the Department of Revenue, Department of Transportation, the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and other regulatory agencies. In addition to the health certificate required for each current school term, the Board may require evidence of continued good health from individual drivers at any time it deems necessary.

SUPPORT SERVICES           Policy 5620
              (Regulation 5620)

Student Transportation Services

The Board of Education, in accordance with state law, shall provide free transportation for eligible students attending the District schools. The Superintendent shall ensure that the transportation services of the District meet all of the guidelines established by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, i.e., Missouri Pupil Transportation Administrative Handbook, Missouri Minimum Standards for School Buses, Missouri Certified Bus Driver Instructor's Manual, and Missouri School Bus Driver Manual, as well as the policies that pertain directly to the qualifications of bus operators and operational procedures adopted by the Board of Education.

According to regulations of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, bus transportation will be provided to and from District schools for all students who reside three and one-half (3.5) miles or more from the school located in their attendance areas. State regulations provide for reimbursement to districts providing transportation for those students living more than one (1.0) mile from their attendance area school.  The District may transport students who reside less than one (1.0) mile from school when students are required to cross a state highway or county arterial without access to sidewalks, traffic signals, or a crossing guard and no existing bus stop is changed to avoid administrative penalty.  In such instance the District will request a waiver of the administrative penalty.   The Superintendent is directed to prepare annually a plan for student transportation services for the upcoming school year which addresses student transportation needs within the limitations of District finances, including state aid for transportation services. The plan will address mileage distance from school and grade level requirements for receiving transportation to be provided by the District. This plan shall be presented for School Board approval no later than the regular August Board meeting of each school year. In cases when the transportation plan remains the same as the prior school year, the plan may be submitted to the School Board as an information rather than an action item.

All eligible students with disabilities will be provided bus transportation by the District between home and the special education program. Transportation for a student with disabilities will be provided between schools if the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) team determines that such transportation is necessary as a related service due to the student's disability. Eligibility must be stated in the student's IEP.

Students are expected to comply with behavioral expectations as stated in Policy 2652 - Student Conduct on Buses, while they are passengers in District vehicles.

SUPPORT SERVICES       Policy 5630


Bus Routes and Schedules

The administration will prepare and monitor District bus routes and schedules.  The Board will initially approve all bus routes no later than October 31 of each school year; the final bus routes must be approved by June 30 of each school year.  Buses will be routed with student safety, efficiency and economy as the controlling factors.

SUPPORT SERVICES       Policy 5640


Bus Inspections

All District vehicles that are used to transport students will be inspected annually by the Missouri State Highway Patrol after February 1 of each school year.

State bus inspections conducted by District employees shall not be made more than sixty (60) days prior to operating the vehicles during the school year.  Bus drivers and bus maintenance employees have the responsibility to inspect, report and remedy any condition of District buses which poses an unreasonable risk of harm to students and staff.

Newly purchased, newly leased, newly placed into service, newly contracted vehicles or vehicles replaced under contracted services with a rated capacity to carry more than ten (10) passengers including the driver, and used to transport students, shall meet state and federal specifications and safety standards applicable to school buses.

SUPPORT SERVICES       Policy 5650


Transportation Records and Reports

The Superintendent will develop and maintain procedures for monitoring and reporting student transportation infractions.

Records of student ridership will be taken and reported for each route on the second Wednesday of October and February, as per Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) regulations.

SUPPORT SERVICES       Policy 5660
          (Regulation 5660)

Field Trips

The use of bus transportation services for field trips may be authorized from Board of Education appropriated funds budgeted for field trips if approved by the Superintendent/designee.

Transportation services may be provided for school-related activities provided the sponsoring organization pays the cost. The Superintendent/designee will approve such requests based upon the availability of buses and drivers.

SUPPORT SERVICES       Policy 5661
          (Regulation 5661)

Field Trip Transportation in Private Vehicles/Common Carriers

Authorized vehicles other than approved school buses may be used for transportation of students.  The number of students transported shall be limited to the number of seat belts available in the authorized vehicle.  The Board of Education shall adopt regulations for transportation in other than approved school buses and standards for use of authorized common carriers.

SUPPORT SERVICES       Policy 5670


Use of School Buses

School buses will be used only for the transportation of students to and from school or for District educational purposes.

District buses used to transport children to Head Start programs will display signs indicating that the bus is a Head Start bus.


Curriculum Services

Curriculum Development

The Board of Education recognizes the need and value of a systematic and on-going program of curriculum review.  The Board encourages and supports the professional staff in its efforts to identify and review new curricular ideas, develop and improve existing programs and evaluate all instructional programs.

The Board of Education directs the Superintendent to continuously carry out the curriculum development and implementation process.  As used in this Policy, curriculum is the process, attitudes, skills and knowledge that is taught and learned at the appropriate levels in District schools.


Curriculum Services

Curriculum Planning

The plan for curriculum development will address all requirements indicated by the Outstanding Schools Act of 1993 including the Show-Me-Standards: Section 160.514, RSMo and Code of State Regulations, 5 CSR 50-375.100. These standards include performance (process) standards and knowledge (content) standards. All curriculum developed by the District shall satisfy moving District students toward achieving Missouri's definition of what students should know and be able to do by the time they graduate from high school.

Curriculum Services

Curriculum Research

The Board of Education directs that all curriculum developed and/or adopted by the District shall be based on current research relative to how students best learn. Resources to be consulted include, but are not limited to, local or area universities, State Department of Elementary and Secondary Education services, Association for Supervision of Curriculum Development and similar national, state and/or local curriculum organizations. Every effort should be made to insure that District curriculum is current and based on sound educational research findings.


Curriculum Services

Curriculum Design

The design of District curriculum shall follow curriculum frameworks offered by the State Department of Elementary and Secondary Education which are intended to provide assistance in aligning local curriculum with the Show-Me-Standards.


Curriculum Services

Curriculum Adoption

All curriculum developed by District staff shall be formally presented to the Board of Education for official approval before classroom implementation.


Curriculum Services

State Mandated Curriculum: American History

As provided by state law, the District's curriculum will include American History components.

American History courses at all levels will include instruction in the details and events of the racial equality movement that have resulted in major changes in the laws and attitudes of the United States and of Missouri.  Instruction will be sequenced in the proper time line.

Every school shall devote one entire class period annually to an observance of the significance of Veteran's Day.


Curriculum Services

State Mandated Curriculum: Human Sexuality

Any course materials and instruction related to human sexuality will be medically and factually accurate and will:

1. Provide instruction on human sexuality and HIV prevention that is age appropriate;

2. Present abstinence from sexual activity as the preferred choice of behavior;

3. Advise students that teenage sexual activity places them at a higher risk of dropping out of school;

4. Stress that sexually transmitted diseases are serious, possible health hazards of sexual activity;

5. Provide students with the latest medical information regarding exposure to human immunodeficiency virus, AIDS, human papilloma virus, hepatitis, and other sexually transmitted diseases;

6. Present students with the latest factually accurate information regarding the possible side effects and benefits of all forms of contraception;

7. Include discussions of the possible emotional and psychological consequences of preadolescent and adolescent sexual activity.  Such discussions will include the consequences of adolescent pregnancy, the advantages of adoption, the adoption of special needs children, and the process involved in making an adoption plan;

8. Teach skills of conflict management, personal responsibility, and positive self-esteem.  Instructions will include the prohibition against making unwanted sexual advances and methods to resist sexual advances and other negative peer pressures;

9. Advise students of the laws relating to their financial responsibility to children born out of wedlock and the criminal sanctions for statutory rape;

10. Not encourage or promote sexual activity;

11. Not distribute or aid in the distribution of legally obscene materials to minors on school property.

The parents/guardians of each student will be advised of:

1. The content of the District's human sexuality instruction;

2. Their right to remove their student from any part of the District's human sexuality instruction.

The District's human sexuality curriculum will be available for public examination prior to its use in actual instruction.  Consideration will be given to separating students by gender for human sexuality instruction.

The District will not permit any individual or organization, that provides abortion services, to offer, sponsor, or furnish course materials related to human sexuality or sexually transmitted diseases.

Curriculum Services

Curriculum Guides

Written curriculum guides shall be developed and Board approved for implementation in the following areas K-12:

1. English/Language Arts

2. Social Studies

3. Mathematics

4. Science

5. Foreign Language

6. Health, Safety and Physical Education

7. Fine Arts (Visual and Performing Arts)

8. Practical Arts and Vocational Programs (Business, Industrial Technology, and Family and Consumer Science)

9. Counseling and Guidance

Health education is to include drug education and AIDS education as mandated by federal legislation.

Curriculum Guides at all levels will include a philosophy statement and sections defining behavioral goals and objectives reflecting content standards, teaching resources, and evaluation criteria reflecting performance standards. Each Guide will include strategies for interdisciplinary studies and cooperative classroom implementation.


Curriculum Services

Drug Education

The Board of Education understands that parents/guardians, educators, students and other community members are seriously concerned about the adverse effects of drug abuse on the individual and society. Furthermore, the Board believes that effective drug education programs require both the acquisition of knowledge and the development of positive personal values. Both the school and other community agencies must share in the development and conduct of programs to alleviate the problems of drug abuse.

Therefore, the School District will abide by the following:

1. Be concerned with the education of all areas of drug and alcohol abuse.

2. Establish and maintain a realistic, meaningful drug and alcohol education program that will be incorporated in the total educational program.

3. Establish and maintain an ongoing in-service drug and alcohol education program for school personnel.

4. Cooperate with government and private agencies offering services related to drug and alcohol problems.

5. Encourage and support activities that will develop a positive peer influence in the area of drugs and alcohol.

6. Create a climate whereby students may seek and receive counseling about drugs and alcohol and related problems without fear of reprisal.

7. Follow federal mandates concerning drug and alcohol education.


Curriculum Services

Services for Students with Disabilities

The District does not have a general curriculum for students with disabilities.  Instead, it is the policy of the District to develop an individualized educational program (IEP) for each public school student with a disability who needs special educational services pursuant to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and an accommodation plan for students who are qualified only pursuant to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.  Each IEP is designed to meet the unique needs of the student and to offer a free appropriate public education.  In addition, the District's IEPs will address the extent to which each student's disability affects his/her ability to access the District's general curriculum and what modifications, accommodations, and supplementary aids and services, if appropriate, are necessary to provide for such access.  Each public school student with a disability will be educated to the maximum extent appropriate with children who are nondisabled. However, students with disabilities may be assigned to special classes, separate schooling or removed from the regular educational environment when the nature or severity of the student's disability is such that education in the regular educational environment with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily.

The District will provide special education and/or other services to students with disabilities in accordance with applicable law, including the IDEA, and its amendments, Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 162.670-.995, RSMo., and Missouri's State Plan for Part B.

If a student has had his/her curriculum substantially altered or modified pursuant to an IEP, 504 Plan, and/or in connection with a plan of homebound instruction so that the academic requirements (including but not limited to the requirements for achieving a specific letter or numerical grade) for one or more courses have been significantly reduced as compared to the regular course or courses, the IEP team or 504 team (or in the case of a student receiving homebound instruction who is not covered by an IEP or 504 Plan, the principal, counselor, and classroom teacher(s) for such course(s) shall determine whether the student shall be included in the computation of class rank.  Students who are not included in the class ranking shall still receive a cumulative grade point average (G.P.A.) and shall be eligible for the honor roll.


Curriculum Services

Curriculum for At-Risk Students

The Board of Education directs that curriculum be developed to meet the needs of students at risk of failure. This curriculum is to include strategies infused in all areas of regular education, K - 12, to address the special needs of students at-risk due to disadvantaged backgrounds.

As provided by state and federal guidelines and funds, the Board directs the administration to utilize funds from ESEA, Title I and state programs for alternative education, among others, as resources for curriculum development for students at-risk.


Curriculum Services

Curriculum for Gifted and Talented Students

The Board of Education directs that curriculum be developed to meet the needs of students who have been identified as gifted and talented by multi-criteria assessment developed by professional staff. This curriculum is to include strategies infused in all areas of regular education, K- 12, as well as specific curriculum designed to enrich the regular curriculum in order to meet the challenge of educating the gifted student.

The Board directs the Administration to seek whatever resources are available to develop curriculum and programs in this area, including Department of Elementary and Secondary resources for Gifted and Talented Education.


Curriculum Services

Early Childhood Education

The critical importance of the early years in determining the educational development of children is recognized by the Board. When financial and physical resources permit, programs designed to help meet the physical, emotional, social and intellectual needs of preschool age children are authorized. The Board of Education may establish preschool and post-school programs in accordance with law. When these programs are established, the Board directs that written curriculum be developed to direct the services offered to prekindergarten age children.
          (Form 6180)
Curriculum Services

English As a Second Language (ESL/ESOL)

The Board of Education is committed to identifying and assessing the educational needs of students whose native or home language is other than English.  Once identified, the District will provide appropriate programs to address the needs of these students.  Students entitled to considerations under this policy include:

1. Language Minority (LM) - students who come from a background where English is not the student's first language, or where the primary language of the home is not English or both.

2. Limited English Proficient (LEP) - Students whose English language skills are insufficient to lead to success in an English-only classroom.

The District will also take steps to ensure to the maximum extent practicable that the interests of ESL students are included in the development and implementation of District programs and services that are offered by the District to and for its student body.

To ensure that parents/guardians are properly notified of the ESL program, all new and enrolling students are to be given the Student Home Language Survey (Form 6180). The form shall be completed and returned to the school by the parents/guardians if they feel their child may be in need of such services.

STUDENTS         Policy 6190

Student Academic Achievement

Virtual Instruction Program

The District will participate in the State’s Virtual Instruction Program (MoVIP). MoVIP offers District students the opportunity to participate in free or tuition-paid online courses in a variety of grade level and content areas from kindergarten through grade 12.  District students who wish to enroll in the Missouri virtual school must first enroll in the public school of residence.

MoVIP courses may be taken during the school day or outside of the school day.  The number of credits that a student may earn during any academic period will not be limited by the District.  Students and their parents/guardians are encouraged to meet with school counselors to develop an educational program, including MoVIP courses, which best meets the individual needs of District students.  Students participating in MoVIP courses will have access to District facilities and technology which is otherwise available to students participating in the regular school program.  The District does not provide equipment, Internet access, supplies, or materials to students participating in the Missouri Virtual School.

The District will receive notification from MoVIP concerning the percentage of work satisfactorily completed by each student for each virtual education class completed.  District staff members will assign a grade and course credit depending upon the percentage of work satisfactorily completed for each class.  In awarding credit and assigning grades, the District will apply the same standards for grade assignment and credit award as are applied to courses completed in the District’s traditional curriculum.  Credit toward meeting District graduation requirements will be awarded for MoVIP courses provided the work completed meets the academic standards required in the District’s traditional educational program.

The District may also recognize and assign credit for courses offered through other electronic media courses such as satellite video courses, cable video courses, interactive education television consortium, and computer-driven or on-line courses.  Students may also be awarded credit for satisfactorily completed course work from accredited institutions.  Students and their parents/guardians should consult with their school counselor to determine whether satisfactory completion of such work is eligible for award of District credit.  This discussion should occur prior to enrollment in such programs.



Instructional Time

The primary focus of the District's staff and programs is maximization of student learning.  While learning occurs as a result of extracurricular activities and as a result of non-structured interaction between students and between students and staff, most learning occurs as a result of planned learning activities during class time.  Therefore, every effort will be made to minimize disruptions in instructional time.  Public address announcements and pull out programs will be planned to avoid loss of critical instruction time.


Student Teachers and Interns

The Board of Education authorizes contractual arrangements to be made for the acceptance for training of student teachers from regularly accredited colleges and universities to the extent that the training of these student teachers will both enhance educational opportunities of the classroom students as well as provide a training opportunity for the student teacher.

Guidelines will be prepared for the direction of staff members in handling the student teacher program. These guidelines will also be written to provide a definite program for the improvement of the student teacher while assigned to the District.
          (Regulation 6230)

Textbook Selection and Adoption

The Superintendent/designee will appoint a committee of teachers and administrators to review textbook offerings in specific instructional areas.  The committee will submit its report together with its recommendation to the Superintendent.  The Superintendent will consider the committee's report and make a recommendation to the Board for final approval.
          (Regulation 6231)

Textbook Usage - Students

Textbooks on which assignments are based are to be available to each student. Under the guidance of the teacher and the rules for a particular class, a textbook should be available for the student to take home overnight or over a weekend so that the student may prepare homework assignments and so that the parents/guardians may see the textbook.

Textbooks and library books are to be treated with respect by the students, used wisely, cared for, and returned in good condition when the assignment or course is concluded. The student to whom a textbook or library book is issued will be held responsible for its return in good condition. A reasonable system of fines, penalties, or methods of repayment for a fair value of the book is to be developed.  No student is to be penalized if the book is lost because of factors beyond his/her control.


Instructional Materials

The Superintendent/designee shall formulate administrative regulations as necessary to be included in faculty handbooks relative to the purchase and appropriateness of instructional materials. Guidelines relative to guest lecturers or presentations shall be included.
          (Regulation 6241)
Instruction         (Form 6241)

Challenged Materials

The Board has the ultimate responsibility for establishing the curriculum and for purchasing instructional and/or media materials to be used in the District.  While the Board recognizes the right of students to free access to the many different types of books and instructional materials, the Board also recognizes the right of teachers and administrators to select books and other materials in accord with current trends in education and the established curriculum.

It is therefore the policy of the Board to require that books and other instructional materials shall be chosen for values of educational interest and the enlightenment of all students in the community.  Instructional materials shall not be excluded on the basis of the writer's racial, nationalistic, political, or religious views.  Every effort will be made to provide materials that present all points of view concerning international, national and local problems and issues of our times.  Books, or other instructional or media materials of sound factual authority, shall not be prescribed, nor removed from library shelves or classrooms on the basis of partisan or doctrinal approval or disapproval.  The Board will strive to provide stimulating, effective materials that will be appropriate to the community's values and the students' abilities and maturity levels.

Instructional or media materials used in the District's educational program consist of various types of print and non-print materials.  Despite the care taken to select those materials deemed to be educationally useful, occasional objections to the selection of instructional materials may be made by the public.  However, the principles of academic freedom and the freedom to read must be defended, rather than the materials.

If a challenge is made, it should be properly channeled through guidelines and procedures established by the Board.



Religious or Controversial Issues

Religious education is the responsibility of the home and church. The espousal by any teacher or staff member of any particular religious denomination or faith is strictly forbidden; however, teachers may teach about religion with information being presented at an appropriate maturity level for students.

No partisan political views may be espoused by any teacher or staff member; however, teachers may teach about political parties and politics as related to the governmental systems of the nation or world.



Copyrighted Materials

It is the intent of the Board to delineate, enforce, and abide by the provisions of current copyright laws and regulations as they affect the School District and its employees. The District will not purchase any videos, computer software, audio tapes, publications or other materials that have been illegally copied or reproduced.

Copyrighted materials, whether they are print or non-print, will not be duplicated unless such reproduction meets "fair use" standards, or unless written permission from the copyright holder has been received.

Details about "fair use" will be made available to all teachers.  A summary of these standards will be posted or otherwise made easily available at each machine used for making copies.

The Board does not sanction illegal duplication in any form.  Employees who willfully disregard the District's copyright position are in violation of Board policy; they do so at their own risk and assume all liability responsibility.

Any materials produced by an employee (or employees) during the time he/she is paid for production of said materials shall be owned by the School District, and any civil rights of authorship are forfeited with payment by the District for production of materials.

          (Regulation 6250)
Instruction         (Form 6250)

Instruction for Students with Disabilities

It is the policy of the District to provide a free appropriate public education to all public school students with disabilities.  Students with disabilities are defined as those students who have one of the categorical disabilities as enumerated in the Missouri State Plan for Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and who also require special education services or who have a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities as defined by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or the Americans with Disabilities Act and who require accommodations or special education and related services.

The District will provide special education and/or other services to students with disabilities in accordance with applicable law, including the IDEA, and its amendments, Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act of 1973, §162.670-.995, RSMo., and Missouri's State Plan for Part B.  For appeal procedures regarding identification, evaluation or educational placement of a student under Section 504, refer to Regulation 2110 - Equal Education Opportunity.

When providing print materials to students with visual impairments, the District will adhere to the National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standards (NIMAS) or will provide such print materials in timely high quality accessible materials.


Surrogate Parent

The Board of Education directs the Administration to determine whether a disabled student is in need of a surrogate parent within thirty (30) days of the date of notification that the student is living within District jurisdiction.  The Administration is directed to notify the state Board of Education in writing within ten (10) days after the determination that such need exists.

          (Regulation 6270)

Instruction for At-Risk Students

The School District shall meet all federal and state requirements for identifying and providing services to educationally at-risk students.

At-risk students are those whose educational outcomes are in jeopardy because they are experiencing academic deficits, have become disaffected with school and learning, or impacted by other factors which impede education and social development.



Instruction for Gifted and Talented Students

The Board of Education, recognizing the need for programs addressing the special needs of gifted and talented students, shall endeavor to provide the level of monetary support it deems proper to enhance programs for those students so identified. Procedures for the selection of programs and students will be developed by the professional staff and approved by the Board.


Instruction for Preschool Students

The Board of Education may endeavor to enter into programs for preschool children, as is provided for in the statutes of the State of Missouri, and subject to the rules and regulations of the specific legislation governing the administration of the program. The District shall attempt to provide an organization for continuous progress in education to fit the needs of individuals of the community within the limitations of District finances.

Within these limitations, the Board may provide school facilities for the purpose of maintaining and expanding programs and services for preschool children.   Such programs shall be commensurate with the needs of the community. The Board may provide administrative, ancillary and other supportive services needed to enhance the quality of the preschool educational program.
          (Regulation 6273)

Instruction for Homeless Students

The Board of Education is committed to providing access to educational opportunities to eligible homeless students.  Services will be provided consistent with federal law and with Missouri's state plan for the education of homeless children. (See also Policy and Regulation 2260 – Admission of Homeless Students.)


Instruction for Migrant Students

The Superintendent will develop appropriate means to identify migrant students and to develop a plan to meet the educational needs of these children.  Migrant students will be provided the full range of education and related services provided to other District students. (See also Policy and Regulation 2270 – Admission of Migrant Students.)

The educational plan may consist of the following:

1. Assess the educational ability of the student and determine an accurate grade placement, course assignments and any special education services that may be needed.

2. Identify any health and social needs and contact the appropriate public agencies for extended services.

3. Provide professional development activities for the teachers and support staff as related to migrant students.

4. Involve the parents in the educational program.



Instruction for Homebound Students

Homebound instructional programs will be considered for students who for health reasons are likely to be absent for extended periods of time.  In addition, students whose educational needs dictate extension of educational services away from the school site will be considered for homebound placement.  Application for homebound instruction requires approval by the student's physician. Extension of the period of time requires approval by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Schools.  The District will comply with all applicable state and federal regulations on assigning students to homebound instruction because of the student's educational needs.



Vocational and Technical Education

The Board of Education believes that vocational and technical education is critical to the development of skills necessary for satisfying careers.  The underlying foundation for all academic courses should be the relationship of class concepts to practical job application.  Occupational education shall encompass career awareness, career exploration and career preparation to include vocational training opportunities, either within the local high school(s) and/or local area vocational and technical schools.

District vocational programs shall meet all state and federal guidelines and requirements, including the formation and utilization of advisory councils in all areas.
          (Regulation 6310)
Libraries, Media and Technology Services

School Libraries

The Board believes that it is the responsibility of the District's library/media centers to provide materials which reflect the ideals and beliefs of religious, social, political, historical and ethnic groups, and their contributions to American and world cultures.  Materials will be selected which are related to and support the District's curriculum.  Selection of and access to library/media materials will be based upon the contribution to the education program and the age appropriateness of the materials.

Intellectual Access

The library/media program serves as a point of access to information and ideas for students as they acquire critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Students and educators served by the library/media program should have access to resources and services free of constraints resulting from artificial barriers. Artificial barriers should not prevent students from accessing and using resources except as defined by District policies and regulations, including but not limited to selection, acquisition and Internet usage policies and regulations.


The District recognizes the need for confidentiality of school library records.  Therefore, no person will release any library record of any student, faculty or other library user to any third
party except as provided by law.
          (Regulation 6320)
Libraries, Media and Technology Services

Internet Usage

The Board of Education recognizes that it is important for students to have access to electronic-based research tools and to master skills for their application to learning, problem solving, production of work, and presentation of information.  The Board also recognizes that while these resources represent extraordinary learning opportunities and enriching educational materials, they also offer persons with illegal, immoral or inappropriate motives avenues for reaching students, teachers, staff, parents/guardians and members of the community.  Additionally, these resources present tempting opportunities for users to explore areas that are either confidential, have restricted access, are inappropriate or are disruptive to the classroom or workplace.  It is the purpose of District policy and regulations to outline acceptable student and employee behavior with respect to use of District technology and electronic resources.


Evaluation Services

Evaluation of Instructional Programs

The Board of Education believes that maximizing the quality of District services and administrative decision-making requires the regular evaluation of all District programs.  Evaluations may identify the success of District programs in meeting their objectives.  Utilization of program evaluation should result in the improvement of District programs and will provide data for Board and staff decision-making.  The Superintendent is directed to develop procedures for program evaluation and reporting.

Evaluation Services

Test Security

All standardized testing materials shall be stored, distributed and collected according to procedures that insure the security and authorized access to test booklets. The Superintendent shall designate a District test coordinator who will direct the administration and security procedures for each testing site.

Teacher Responsibilities for Test Administration

Prior to the administration of any District or State standardized test, the principal/designee will review with the teachers the testing guidelines that they and the students are to follow. The principal/designee shall distribute this policy and any other testing guidelines to all teachers, require them to sign and return one copy and keep a copy for their files.

The guidelines listed below are examples; others may be provided by the principal/designee.

1. Teachers are not to review the test questions or content prior to its being given to the students.

2. Teachers are not to give any assistance to the students during the administration of the test.

3. Teachers are to review only the purpose of the test, the directions, the time restraints and what the students are to do upon completion of the test.

Violation of these and other administrative testing guidelines by the teacher may result in disciplinary action against the teacher, up to and including termination.

Evaluation Services

Statewide Assessments

All students will participate in statewide assessments.  The administration will annually develop an assessment schedule for the current school year.  The testing schedule will list the assessment instrument to be administered and the students who will be administered each test or assessment instrument.  This policy and the assessment schedule will be given to each student as well as their parent/guardian at the beginning of each school year.  In addition, a copy of this policy and the assessment schedule will be available to the public in the District office during normal business hours.


Evaluation Services

Assignment of Grades

Student performance is assessed on a continual basis throughout the school year.  This evaluation assesses student growth in expression of ideas, communication, achievement of educational goals, and personal growth, and development.  Grades will be assigned based upon student ability, achievement, effort, and cooperation.


Community Education/Continuing Education Program

Instruction for Adults

The administration will assess the needs of the community for post school programs.  Where community needs are identified and where funds are available, the Board will consider initiation of specific adult education programs.  In cooperation with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, the District will seek community assistance in raising the level of community awareness of its English language services when the District provides Adult Basic Education programs.


Office Methods and Data Management

E-mail Records and Electronically Stored Information

Any e-mails that constitute a record under District Policy and Regulation 6531 or otherwise should be retained for the benefit of the District and therefore must be saved for an extended period of time to exceed one month shall either be 1) printed and physically filed in such a way that it will be easily retrievable or 2) saved directly to a file on one of the District servers from which it will be easily retrievable. The District will regularly delete unnecessary e-mails on the District’s computer system, typically, on the first school day of each month during the school year.

Until the District’s e-mail system can be equipped with such capabilities, all District e-mail account holders shall regularly update their e-mail account by either saving necessary and pertinent e-mails to a District approved storage device, printing them and filing them appropriately, or deleting unnecessary e-mails from their account. This process shall become a permanent and regular occurrence if the automatic deletion process is not implemented into the District’s e-mail system

Office Methods and Data Management

Records Retention/Destruction

It is the policy of this District to effectively maintain and manage its records, including those in electronic format, and to ensure the preservation of certain records as required by both state and federal law, including the Missouri Records Retention Law and Local Record Retention Schedule for Public School Districts as provided by the Missouri Secretary of State.

For purposes of this Records Retention/Destruction Policy, the term “record” is defined as any document, including in electronic format, which was made or received pursuant to law or in connection with the transaction of official business.


Facilities Planning and Design

Educational Specifications

To ensure that all new and remodeled facilities are designed to best implement the educational program of the School District, the Superintendent will provide for the development of detailed educational specifications to apply to the design and construction of new or remodeled buildings. The preparation of educational specifications will serve the following purposes.

1. Clarify and consolidate the thinking of the staff, administration, Board and community on the needs, desires and objectives of educational programs to be conducted within the proposed new or remodeled building.

2. Organize important information in a manner that can be easily and clearly interpreted by an architect.

When educational specifications are prepared, an introductory section will be devoted to a brief description of the community, enrollment trends, and the educational philosophy of the District. Educational specifications are detailed descriptions of the following items:

1. Activities that will take place in the building.

2. Organization of instruction and curriculum to be housed in the building.

3. Specific architectural characteristics desired.

4. Facilities needed, equipment required and space relationship to other facility elements.

5. Pertinent budget and other governing factors.

The persons involved in developing educational specifications should include: the Board, which adopts policies, approves final specifications, employs the architect and provides the budget; the Superintendent, who provides administrative leadership, interpretation and evaluation; principals, staff members, students and patrons, who utilize the facilities; and the architect, who develops architectural plans for the facility.

Consultants may be used in the development of educational specifications when deemed necessary by the Superintendent and the Board.
          (Regulation 7120)
Facilities Planning and Design

Procurement of Architects, Engineers, and Land Surveyors

The School District may need to engage the services of an architect, engineer, or land surveyor when capital improvement or other District needs arise. The District recognizes that hiring architects, engineers, or land surveyors who have performed acceptable work for the District in the past promotes continuity, efficiency, and quality. The District also recognizes that a construction contractor retained by the District may wish to work with a particular architect, engineer, or land surveyor with whom it has a solid working relationship. The District will observe the procedures as outlined in Regulation 7120 when selecting architectural, engineering, or land surveying services.

Under this policy, the terms architect, land surveyor, and professional include, but are not limited to, any individual, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity providing architectural, engineering, or land surveying services.

          (Regulation 7130)
Facilities Planning and Design

Construction Manager Selection

The Board of Education may desire to engage the services of a construction manager when planning, designing, improving, altering, repairing, or constructing a building or structure.  The District recognizes the need to enter into contracts with qualified construction managers at a price the District considers to be fair and reasonable.  It shall be the formal policy of this District to observe the procedures set forth in its administrative regulations when the District determines that construction management services are needed.

Facilities Construction

Construction Contracts, Bidding and Awards

All facilities construction projects which exceed an expenditure of $15,000 shall be advertised once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation located in the city or county in which the District is located. In addition to the city or county newspaper, the District may also advertise in business, trade or minority newspapers. Competitive bids shall be solicited according to state law only after the plans and specifications have been approved by the Board of Education. In order to protect the Board, each bidder may be required to submit, with his bid, a bidder's bond in an amount determined by the estimated cost of the project.

The construction contract shall be awarded to the best bidder whose bid is in accordance with the Board approved plans and specifications and has provided the required security. The Board reserves the right to waive any informalities in, or reject any or all bids or any part of any bid. No bid for the construction, alteration, or repair of any building shall be accepted if it does not conform to the Board approved plans and specifications.

Whenever two or more proposals or bids of equal amount are the lowest proposals submitted by reasonable bidders pursuant to the advertisement of bids, the Board of Education may award the contract to any one of the bidders as determined by exercise of discretion.

The contractor shall receive monthly payments for the work completed, less a percentage to be determined to ensure completion. The contractor may be required to submit a performance bond and a material and labor bond to the satisfaction of the Board. The final payment shall be made only after acceptance of the project by the Board of Education and completion of the items to be corrected. Lien waivers shall be provided by the contractor and his subcontractors and suppliers.

All pay requests by the contractor shall be approved by the architect prior to submission to the Board of Education for payment.

Facilities Construction

Board Inspection and Acceptance

The Board of Education shall withhold the acceptance of new construction until all details are complete and the buildings are certified complete by the Superintendent of Schools in consultation with the architect.


Facilities Construction

Board Inspection and Acceptance

The Board of Education shall withhold the acceptance of new construction until all details are complete and the buildings are certified complete by the Superintendent of Schools in consultation with the architect.